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If you are damn serious to join IAS or IPS fast, then you have reached on exact page.
We will help you in qualifying coming UPSC Prelims easily, so that you can appear in MAINS exam – which actually decides your rank in final merit list of Civil Services Examination.
Without qualifying Prelims, IAS/IPS is just a Dream !
If you are one, who want to clear UPSC Prelims 2025 in single attempt, without wasting years of preparation, then this course is for you.
WITHOUT expert mentorship you will continue to struggle with a mountain of books, complex syllabus, and unpredictable question patterns in UPSC Prelims year after year.
Remember, there is very tough competition in Prelims. As per reports, around 13.4 lakh candidates appeared in UPSC Prelims 2024 and Only 14,627 cleared this exam. It means that out of 13.4 lakh, 13,25,373 failed in Prelims.
Beating this 13 lakh+ candidates in written competitive exam of 100 questions is NOT easy. It requires diligent preparation, strategic planning, and unwavering dedication. We in our Prelims Mentorship Programme will provide you all that. Along with the Expert Content, we will also provide you the right strategy, focus areas and actionable Study Plan.
Our Course covers everything that is needed to clear this exam. Our Acclaimed Course will help you in scoring more marks than others. You can easily boost your score to 150+ marks with the help of our Course while you require just between 90-110 marks to safely clear this exam.
This Mentorship Course for Civil Services Preliminary Exam 2025 is designed with proper strategy to make you successful in this most competitive exam. No part of this course should be missed or ignored. This course will boost your score in General Studies Paper of Prelims 2025 exam so that you easily qualify prelims 2025.
We are providing UPSC Prelims course since 2015. Every year 75-83 Questions in GS Paper of Prelims can be easily solved from our coaching Modules. Recently, in 2024 UPSC Prelims, 77 Questions were easily solved from our Modules. See videos given at the end of this web page.
Our Course is so effective, that even the renowned Newspapers has acknowledged our efforts in their news stories.
Details of the Course
We will assist you in qualifying the Prelims Exam through Structured Approach and Continuous Guidance till the UPSC Prelims Exam 2025.
What will be provided in this mentorship ?
1. We will provide you personalised Study Plan based on your strengths, weaknesses, and time availability.
2. Time management is key to covering the vast syllabus. We will provide you the Plan and Strategies to optimize your study schedule.
3. We will provide you the practical and proven strategies for effective preparation and revision so that you can effectively prepare and crack UPSC Prelims 2025 exam.
4. We will provide you 1 to 1 personal counselling for any issues that hampers your preparation whenever you need. It can related to upsc preparation, or any issue that is bringing you down such health, personal etc.
5. We will monitor and keep regular check on your preparation during the period.
6. Based on your performance, we will provide you regular feedback and strategies to improve your efforts.
7. We will clarify your doubts and queries related to the syllabus, exam pattern, and specific GS subjects.
8. There will be periodic (Online) Group Interactions-cum-Discussions amongst all the aspirants (Live) on exam related topics and on issues (other than exam) that hampers their preparation.
Mentorship Programme is mix of: 1-2-1 Live Meetings with Director, General Studies Printed Notes, PDF E-Books of Current Affairs, Online Live Workshops, Recorded Video Explainers, Revision Flash Cards etc.
The UPSC Prelims 2025 requires you to have a very strong foundation in multiple subjects such as Geography, Economy, Polity, History, Science & Technology etc. To crack the prelims exam 2025, you just NOT only need the expert study material but also a time bound Action Plan, suitable to your personal capacity and its disciplined implementation by you.
Once you subscribe this course, in next 24hrs, you will have Live Zoom Meeting with our Director. During the meeting, Detailed Study Plan to master General Studies for Prelims will be prepared and finalized. Other important insights and strategies will be shared.
According to your Study Plan, we will also provide you, our Advanced Course GS Booklets in Printed form, so that you do not waste time in making your own notes. They will be sent by post/courier at your address. Our Booklets covers the syllabus as mentioned by the UPSC.
Study Plan will be divided into Monthly and Weekly Plans. You need to follow and implement weekly study plan. You will need to complete activities given in the plan. You will need to do Revisions as per the plan. Explanations of chapters and topics will also be provided through explainer videos. To supplement your efforts, videos on what to study, how to study will be provided. Every week, there will be 1-2-1 Live meeting with Director in which feedback and performance will be discussed.
There is a very tough competition in UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam. Those who fails does not mean that they did not work hard or they did not read the standard well-known books. They failed as their preparation lacked – the very-latest and focussed General Studies content (having Exact Orientation towards the Latest Trend of Questions being asked by UPSC). Those who read and revise this focussed content, score much more marks than others and get success.
For general understanding, the basic and standard books are sufficient. But for competition you have to refer more than that. You have to read the exam specific specialised books. You have to read more and more relevant information, and that too very frequently, so that you do not forget it till exam. You have to prepare all the important topics while not ignoring the basic concepts. We in our course covers all such aspects of the preparation.
We are a pool of persons who have already qualified this exam many times. Intense efforts are put by our experienced team members to provide you the BEST coverage of all Topics: Conventional and Latest. All Latest Government Data, Facts, Figures, Initiatives, Schemes, Programmes, Policies, Laws etc. are widely covered in this GS Course.
We’ve condensed the extensive UPSC syllabus based Study Material into a concise, easy-to-digest format, so you can easily read and revise the content frequently. Our smart notes are designed to help you anticipate UPSC’s question patterns, giving you a strategic edge.
All-important topics in news relevant to this exam are covered in detail. You may not find these important latest topics in general textbooks. Our GS Modules are fully updated and revised every year according to latest trend of questions being asked by UPSC. Each and every line of our books are important for this exam. Our SMART Booklets gives you clear understanding of the topics and also provides to some critical latest information that is missed in general books and in Coaching Classes.
To save your efforts of making notes, around 15-18 General Studies Printed Modules will be provided in this Course for IAS Prelims 2025 Exam. They will cover all GS areas like: Indian Economy, Environment, Climate Change, Ecology, Biodiversity, Indian Polity and Governance (Public Policy, Rights Issues), Ancient History, Medieval History, Indian National Movement, Physical Geography, Indian Geography, World Geography, Latest Science and Technology, Latest General Knowledge, Indian Art and Culture etc.
PDF E-Books containing: Summaries and Synopsis’ of Year Book, Budget, Economic Survey, Important Reports, Laws and legislations, Maps & Locations, Union Government Programmes, Schemes and Initiatives etc. will also be provided.
The significance of Current Affairs in this prestigious Civil Services Examination is increasing every year. You can yourself judge by seeing the Question Paper of UPSC Civil Services Prelims Exam that majority of the questions asked are Current Affairs-oriented. It has now become IMPOSSIBLE to clear IAS Prelims exam without giving extra intense efforts to Current Affairs.
Gone are the days when IAS aspirants used to qualify this exam by reading just ONE FAMOUS Newspaper or Magazine. Now the scope of Current Affairs has widened. Along with Indian National Affairs, You will have to read 3-4 special news sources separately each to cover: Science and Technology, Environment News, Space News, Agriculture & Vegetation News, International Affairs, Geography News, New Material News, Animals and Plants News etc. It means more than 20 news sources you need to refer daily.
Moreover, the Focus should not only be on the NEWS but on the background and other related information about that particular NEWS. Prelims questions contains the in-depth and detailed facts about the ‘Thing’ that was in the news recently, which is generally not covered in news. For that you need to read the extra sources beyond the Newspapers and Magazines. Therefore we in our Current Affairs covers all such aspects comprehensively.
Don’t take risk of ignoring the extensive study of Current Affairs. Almost 40 to 50 Questions in UPSC Prelims Exam are directly or indirectly related to topics that were in the news. Therefore, you should prepare this section very thoroughly. In conventional subjects like Polity, History etc. questions, almost all candidates score the almost similar. It is the Current Affairs questions that gives you edge and takes your score high, beating other candidates.
It is very painful, when candidates fail to clear UPSC prelims exam by just 2-3 marks in Prelims due to lack of expertise in Current Affairs. Therefore reading exact and comprehensive Current Affairs has become essential to crack this exam. This section cannot be taken lightly. Forget about clearing IAS Prelims exam, if you are compromising with your Current Affairs preparation.
We provide the Exact, Latest and Specific Current Affairs for IAS Prelims 2025 exam. Our coverage of News and Current Affairs is very wide. You may be reading just ONE or TWO Newspaper or Magazines for this exam. But we everyday refer more than 30 News Agencies, Official Government Sources, Newspapers, National and International Magazines. Every day, our team scans around 3000 news from different sources and works on the selected few so that you don’t miss any news that are important for IAS Examination point of view. We exactly cover those news and current affairs which are really important from Civil Services Examination point of view.
We will provide you 18 months comprehensive Current Affairs PDF E-Books from January 2024 to May 2025 in this course. Video explainers of important current affairs will also be provided.
There is general tendency among the candidates to focus only on reading and reading and they avoid practice tests. Practicing Mock Tests like actual UPSC Prelims during preparation is vital for success in final exam. While it gives exposure to a candidate to face a real test like conditions prior to exam, it also keeps a candidate aware of his ability to grasp the information what he or she is reading.
Most of the times, candidates keep on reading the books on a continuous basis. And during that process, they miss some of logical conclusions and facts. They strike in mind only when they take tests.
There are lots of other benefits also of taking tests during your preparation especially for exam like Civil Services. Tests keeps you reminding about your performance. It helps you to read the content with more precision. Moreover it revises the syllabus on periodic basis.
Appearing in IAS Prelims 2025 without practicing Tests is like participating in Olympic Games without practicing at home ground. In UPSC Prelims exam, very narrow choices are given and you are asked to select one, two, three or all of them. Candidates who never took mock tests remain confused in selecting right option, even if he/she has read that asked information in the book. Therefore mock tests are essential to develop a capability of mind, that solves the questions correctly and fast.
Our mock test series for UPSC Preliminary Exam 2025 are designed in such a way that it will develop a practice in you on how to select the right choice of answers. While it will develop a speed in you to solve the paper fast, at the same time it will help you in identifying the mistakes that you commit during tests.
We provides 70 Comprehensive Mock Tests (General Studies + Current Affairs). There are 48 Comprehensive General Studies Tests. Each Test contains 100 Questions with Answers and Explanations. These covers all General Studies Subjects like: Polity, Economy, History, Geography, Environment, Culture, Science and Technology. There will also be around 22 Current Affairs Mock Tests, prepared from our monthly Current Affairs Modules. (Total 70 Mock Tests with Answers & Explanations will be provided. Means 70×100=7000 Questions with Answers).
We will provide these Mock Tests and Explanations through PDF E-Books. You just need to practice them online.
CSAT is just a qualifying Paper. It requires no special preparation. Candidates only needs 33% of marks to qualify it. Questions are quite basic and candidates easily solve these and cross the minimum qualifying limit. CSAT questions mainly revolve around the basic topics such as: Reading Comprehension, Logical Reasoning, General Mental Ability, Decision Making, Data Interpretation, Reasoning and Basic Quantitative Aptitude etc.
In this course, we do NOT provide anything for CSAT Paper as most of the candidates ask us for GS Paper course only, excluding CSAT.
However, If any candidate wants the CSAT Notes and Tests Series, then he/she can add the CSAT Package at the order Checkout stage (which includes CSAT Paper Study Material and 20 Practice Tests in printed form). Option to include CSAT Pack will be available when you will click on ‘Buy Now’ link for this course.
CSAT Study Material includes the Explanations of all topics and required formulas to solve these questions. There will be 20 Practice Mock Tests for CSAT with Answers. Candidates can read the Chapters and Practice the Tests for practice. All these will be provided in printed form and will be delivered at your address by Post/Courier.
If you want to Subscribe this Course and want to discuss something in detail before payment, Click here to Book a meeting call with us.
If you decide to prepare yourself (without mentor), you will face the issues of:
Overwhelming Syllabus
Information Overload
Lack of motivation
Stress and Anxiety
Fear of failure
Mental exhaustion
Undisciplined study schedules
Time Management Problem
Ineffective Revisions
and the Struggle feels endless…
…and all these leads ultimately towards FAILURE in exam.
If you join our Course, you will be in constant contact with us. We will not allow the above issues to hamper your preparation.
We understand the specific challenges you face, and course is designed to help you tackle them head-on.
With our expert guidance, you’ll master the syllabus, manage time, stay motivated, overcome stress, progress consistently and revise effectively.
Your dream of becoming IAS is still within reach but only if you act NOW.
The difference between success and failure lies in the decisions you make today. Our expert UPSC Prelims course is designed to give you the edge you need to succeed—but you can’t afford to wait!
We know, that you are very serious about joining the IAS…that is why you are here at this moment. But you cannot become IAS by just dreaming. Take action today to turn your dream into reality.
Time is running out… and the next UPSC Prelims is approaching fast. Our expertly crafted course is designed to maximize your preparation in the limited time left. Join now and ensure you’re fully prepared to succeed.
Act fast, because every moment counts ! Our Course is your ticket to stay ahead of competition. Just imagine the pride and joy of seeing your name in the successful candidates. Every day you spend during this course brings you closer to your dream !
1. How the Course starts once I make the payment ?
Answer: Once you make the payment, you will get the details to join the Live meeting with our Director (within next 24 hrs). Issues related to your preparation will be discussed. During the meeting, Actionable Study Plan (Monthly & Weekly) will be prepared with you. Required Notes, PDFs will be sent and you need to start your preparation from the very next day. (All the details cannot be mentioned here). For any query contact us anytime on given numbers.
2. What is the medium of this Course ?
Answer: This Course is provided only in English language.
3. Is this Course is available in Hindi or any other language ?
Answer: NO.
4. Any ‘EMI’ payment option is available ?
Answer: Credit Card users can have EMI option available while making online payment.
5. How will I receive the Course Study Material?
Answer: All GS Books in printed format will sent by courier/post on your given address immediately. Current Affairs you will get in PDF E-Book format on your email.
6. Can I get GS Course Books in PDF format ?
Answer: NO. Only Printed GS Books are provided by us.
7. Can I get Current Affairs in Printed Form ?
Answer: NO. (Only PDF E-Books are provided).
8. Can I get Mock Tests in Printed Form ?
Answer: NO. (Only PDF E-Books format is provided).
9. Is there any refund policy ?
Answer: NO. We do not provide refunds and NO request in this regard is entertained. Those having financial constraints should not join. We work hard with honesty and burn ourselves throughout the year to make you successful in this exam. If you have any doubts and queries kindly discuss it with us before subscribing the course. Subscribe only, if you are satisfied.
10. Do I need to make Notes ?
Answer: There is NO need to waste time on making detailed Notes. We will provide you printed Notes and digital Revision flash cards. You just need to revise the notes frequently.
11. Do I need to go and attend coaching in big cities ?
Answer: There is NO need to come to Metro cities for prelims preparation. Your hardships to stay in rented PGs and attending coaching classes will be saved. Save your money and stay with your family. All your needs of: personal mentorship, live video talks, best study material, actionable study plan, regular monitoring of your performance, feedback etc. will be provided in this course. This course will help you to prepare more efficiently for this exam. Your performance (as compared to others) will be far much better in next 4 months.
12. Whom to contact for support/issue related to my Course ?
Answer: Our Support team is always available on below Phone numbers. You can contact us anytime:
(WhatsApp: 9463737373)
Calls: 9463737373 and 9463838383
Note: Only genuine UPSC aspirants appearing in coming exam needs to join this course. Dummy and fake persons are NOT allowed to join the course. It is a practical and actionable course. You have to work and study as per given plan of action every week.
Join the ranks of countless successful UPSC candidates who attribute their achievements to our resources. Their testimonials speak volumes about the effectiveness of our Course:
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Ph: 9463737373, 9463838383
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