97th Military Nursing Service Raising Day

azadi ka amrit mahotsav


The Military Nursing Service in India was setup in March 1888. The force took its present form on 15 September 1943. Over the years, the service has evolved to form the present day corps with a strength of five thousand Military Nursing Service officers looking after nursing services in the tri-services. The Military Nursing Service Officers endeavor to blend the latest & best of contemporary technologies and nursing protocols while providing compassionate & competent nursing care to the soldiers and their families.

The Nursing Officers of Pune Garrison celebrated the 97th Raising Day with great zeal and fervor after 2 years of COVID pandemic on 01 October 2022. On this occasion the Officers rededicated themselves to render high quality nursing care with sound professionalism and compassion to their clientele.

The evening was marked by a colourful social gathering hosted by Brig Amita Devrani, Brig MNS, HQ Southern Command and all Nursing Officers of Pune Garrison. During his interaction, the Chief Guest of the occasion Lt Gen Arvind Walia, COS of HQ Southern Command lauded the contribution and untiring efforts during the pandemic, and added that they have always lived up to the faith that a trusting nation reposes in the corps.




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Source PIB