Delhi Gets New Police Commissioner Mr. Amulya Kumar Patnaik, IPS (AGMUT: 1985) has been appointed to the post of Commissioner of Police, Delhi from the date of actual assumption of the charge, in place of Shri Alok Kumar, IPS (AGMUT: 1979) who has been appointed as Director, CBI. Current Affairs for IAS ExamFrequently Asked Questions on COVID-19 VaccinationConnectivity With The Central Asian Countries Remains A Key Priority For INDIA: PRESIDENT KovindOlympic Bronze Medalist PV Sindhu, Felicitated by RINL, Ministry of SteelCBIC mounts campaign against frauds committed in the name of Indian CustomsPRESIDENT OF INDIA ATTENDS RAJA PARB CELEBRATION AT RASHTRAPATI BHAVANIslamabad SAARC Summit PostponedTamil Nadu goes for Option-1, gets permission to borrow an additional amount of Rs 9,627 croreAbout 88 % of the wage payment has been made through ABPS till May 2023Text of PM’s address at the inauguration of 'Responsible AI for Social Empowerment 2020' SummitCAQM Sub-Committee for invoking actions under GRAP holds emergency meeting