Excerpts from Vice-President's Speech at Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak

azadi ka amrit mahotsav

On this momentous occasion, I recollect very apt observations of Maharshi Dayanand ji. I Quote “The fitness of the pupil is shown in his love for the acquisition of knowledge, his willingness to receive instruction, his reverence for learned and virtuous men, his attendance upon the teacher, and his execution of orders”. Always bear in mind these pearls of wisdom. 

Friends, Swami Dayanand Saraswati ji life and thoughts indicate simplicity virtuosity that is motivational and inspirational. The very name will catalyse good things in our thought process. Throughout his lifetime Swami ji ardently battled prevalent social injustices, dedicating himself wholeheartedly to catalysing social forms and disseminating the teaching of Vedas to the masses. Bharat presently is largely reflexion of Dreams of Swami ji

A stalwart advocate of truth and knowledge, his seminal work ‘Satyarth Prakash’ remains an invaluable wellspring of wisdom that continues to inspire us to this day. This esteemed institution stands as one of the oldest and most prestigious centers of higher education in the state of Haryana. The day is not far when it will reach and match our ancient institution glory, Nalanda

Friends, congratulations to all students getting degrees today! It is a great occasion for you, but what is more important and a big change: there have been 1216 PhDs. Boys, hold your breath; the next statistic is going to be a great challenge to you. Of these, 740 are female and 476 male. This is on the land of Haryana at Rohtak, indicating the changing profile of our country 

Friends, graduation marks the end of one era and beginning of the new one. This bitter sweet moment is filled with all kind of emotions for graduates and for their loved ones, ranging from saying goodbyes to happy tears to excitement and for what lies ahead. 

Graduation from this institution is must beyond a personal accomplishment. It is blissful unforgettable moment of immense pride for your families, your teachers and your alma mater. All your life you will cherish memories of those who walked with you every step of the way, shared the joys and struggle of your education.

Convocation- a milestone in your life journey, is not an end to your pursuit of knowledge and learning. The learning shall and must continue throughout life. You are stepping out into the world, equipped with knowledge and skills, ready to face new challenges, avail the opportunities, and make your mark. Remember, you are capable of accomplishing incredible things, so script and execute your own success story!

From students today, the degree holders, they become alumni, proud of ambassador of this esteemed Institution. As alumni, I appeal you to be ever in life contact with your alma mater. Make it a part of your life. Give back to it as a proud member. So resolve to be in fiscal connect as with your alma mater. A fiscal connect has nothing to do with the quantum of physical contribution but please be in contact in fiscal terms also with your alma mater. This will help the alma mater traverse further journey very impactfully and the same shall be incremental because of this.

Friends, you are truly fortunate to find yourself within the nurturing ecosystem of Amrit Kaal. Amrit Kaal is our Gaurav Kaal. You have an ecosystem. What we get in this ecosystem? Where the doors to unleashing your boundless energy and fully realizing your talent and potential are wide open. India is on rise as never before. And Journey, the progress journey, I can assure friends, is unstoppable.

Look at the thriving and blossoming affirmative ecosystem around you. Look around, look at events of last two three months and you will know where our Bharat is in the comity of nation.

Said wisely by someone “Remember nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible!’”

That is when you look at impossible and for the youth in this country the kind of enormous vista available to you the opportunities available to you nothing is impossible. You only have to script your own success story.

This enabling governance awaits you, where honesty—mark my words—go back a decade or 15 years and look at the situation now. The situation is honesty, accountability, transparency, and integrity are non-negotiable elements. These are inalienable facets of governance, a new norm. Another equalizing hallmark of this ecosystem is uniform respect for law and its enforcement, and now, no one is above. Those who thought no one can reach them are stunned; they are within the reach of the law. High and mighty, all are accountable to the law, and that is the democratic essence. It can’t be democracy if someone is above the law. Some people think we are inscrutable by the agency; some people think we are beyond the reach of the law. That scenario has totally collapsed; the law is supreme

Another significant facet of governance that has emerged recently is zero accommodation for corruption. Equality and accountability before law is now a ground reality. We don’t have to canvas for it, people know about it. I remember 15 years back, power corridors were infested with powerbrokers liaison agents. Nothing could be transacted without corruption but scenario now is. Governance corridors have been sanitised of power brokers who leveraged decision making by corrupt extra legal means.

All you need is an idea and courage, and perseverance to execute the idea. Always remember, a parachute works only when it is open. To be possessed of a great mind is of no use, like a parachute. If you drop it and do not open it, you suffer the consequences. So, keep your mind open and unshackle the mind from the fear of failure.

Affirmative policies and governance have already provided you with the conducive platform where you can unleash your talent, realize aspirations, and contribute to India’s historic march to Bharat@2047. I am addressing my young friends. Seniors among us may not be around, but you will be in key positions, and therefore, I appeal to you. You are the torchbearers who will lead us into a future that is defined by innovation and enterprise

Work hard, and leave the rest to fate. It is not necessary for a special background to be successful in this profession” He has defined the new norm. 

imagine with that background the Rise was unbelievable, with lot of difficulties were there but became the youngest advocate general of this state, is the senior judge of the supreme court, is part of judicial administration and many more things are yet to come. Humble background! I share one thing in common with him. I too come from a very humble background. You keep in mind sky is the limit for all of you.

You, the young minds of India, are the vanguards of a resurgent Bharat! The achievements of young minds in this country have been nothing short of extraordinary. I am talking about those young minds who have already worked out of the universities and contributed to the growth trajectory of Bharat. They have brought about Bharat as the 5th largest economy in the world. They have created an ecosystem in the economy that will make us the third-largest global economy by the end of 2030. Our young friends have revolutionized the agriculture sector, creating the third-largest startup ecosystem in the world, and their contribution is such that Bharat@2047 will be a developed nation. Bharat will be a Vishvaguru; there is no doubt about it

Our nation has taken great initiatives as lead countries of the world to engage in harnessing emerging disruptive technologies. I am so grateful to the vice Chancellor because he is the man in command. I was surprise presently that he could focus on this particular area. Friends, disruptive Technology have entered our life, they have entered our workplace, entered our office, entered our home. We have only to work to secure their channelization for larger public welfare. AI, Internet of Things, Quantum Computing, Machine Learning and Green technologies to create cutting-edge products that are changing the way we live, work, and relate to each other. I

I can tell you friends with great satisfaction that in Quantum computing we are in the front League of nation that has bestowed attention to it. Our Quantum commuting Commission already has been allotted 6000 crores. Green hydrogen mission already in place, 19000 crore have been put at its disposal. The potential by 2030 will be 8 lakh crore investment in 6 lakh jobs. You all have to harness this. You have to look into the direction. Keep that in mind and I am sure this University has the potential capacity and the rich faculty to engage into examining the disruptive Technology. It will be greatly beneficial to you, to our nation. This technology will be also bear great relevance to our security.

The good thing is, there was a time when we used to wait for technology to be developed somewhere else. Then, we used to wait for how to get the technology, and those countries would determine the terms and conditions of how we get the technology and how much of it they would give us—only a small piece of it. So, there was an asymmetry of power. Now, India is among the first 10 countries in the world to take the lead in innovation and technology. Friends, I am sure this university will make a mark, particularly when it comes to disruptive technology—their utilization, their generalization, and their development.

My dear young friends, Bharat has great expectations from you and why not? You are the citizens of this great Bharat home to 1/6th of the humanity. We are living in an era where the impact and influence of Bharat is felt across the borders. To be an Indian outside India is a matter of pride for us because others give us now a different positive look. Friends they re can be no greater joy life than to contribute for geometric rise of your Nation and your alma mater and your society. I am sure you all will keep this in mind as a matter of fact this is the essence of the Vedas, this is the essence of our civilizational ethos of thousands of years.

Failure is the biggest teacher and it is stepping stone for eventual success. Therefore, never have fear of failure, never get disheartened. As Swami Vivekananda said, “Take risks in your life. If you win, you can lead! If you lose, you can guide!” 

जीवन में हर प्रयास में सफल होना या सफलता पर निर्भर होना जरूरी नहीं है यह जरूर नहीं कि आप प्रयास करो सफल होगे हो सकता है आप असफलता हो असफलता व्यक्ति की नहीं होती असफलता एक ecosystem की होती है उस Ecosystem को बाद में बदला जाता है और सफलता आने वाले समय में निश्चित होती है

I am tempted to quote Dr BR Ambedkar, the architect of our constitution and his on life has been the life of struggle and achievement. He faced challenges in his own way which you can emulate. Friends this is very important because I find some of us a very small number of us not subscribe to this. It pains our heart. How can anyone believing in bhartiyata, a citizen of Bharat demean and decry our nation, tarnesh our progress, taint our constitutional institutions by going all around the country or outside. Lesson for them is to hear this sage voice of Dr Ambedkar I quote, “You should be Indians first, Indians last and nothing else but Indians.”

As you pass out today, you must remember that you owe your success to your parents, teachers, and your Alma Mater.

गुरुजनों का आदर, परिजनों की सेवा और देश का सम्मान आपकी प्राथमिकता होनी चाहिए। गुरुजनों का आदर हो जाता है, पर परिजनों का सम्मान आना चाहिए। जब ऐसा होगा, तब हमारी सांस्कृतिक विरासत पर एक कालिख लगेगी। हम उसे भारत के नागरिक हैं, जहां बुजुर्गों का सम्मान होता है। मैं कहता हूं: “मुझे सबसे बड़ी पीड़ा होती है जब कोई कहता है कि मैं Old Age Home बना रहा हूं। हमारे भारत में Old Age Home की कहां आवश्यकता है? हमारे यहां रिश्ते इतने खिले हुए हैं कि इसकी आवश्यकता नहीं है।”

I Expect from All students: “कुछ भी परिस्थिति हो, कितना भी विकास हो, दुनिया के किसी भी कोने में आप कम करें। भारत के लिए नाम काम कमाएं, खुद के लिए नाम कमाएं, अपने माता-पिता, परिजनों का हमेशा ध्यान रखें। उनकी सेवा में ही ईश्वर है।

भारतीयता हमारी पहचान है। अंग्रेजीयत नहीं है। भारतीयता है।भारत का हित सर्वोपरि है। हम दूसरों के हित को सर्वोपरि नहीं रख सकते हैं लिए, हमारे को रखना पड़ेगा। हमें सृजन करना पड़ेगा हमें संरक्षण करना पड़ेगा।हमने जो विरासत पाई है दुनिया की किसी देश ने ऐसी विरासत नहीं पाई है। हमने जो कल्प अकल्पनीय अप्रत्याशित प्रगति हाल के वर्षों में की है दुनिया उसे अचंभित है। मैं आपका ज्यादा समय नहीं लेना चाहता आप सबको पता है कि जो इंटरनेशनल मोनेटरी फंड, वर्ल्ड बैंक क्या कहते थे पहले और आज भारत के बारे में क्या कहते हैं।भारत वाह वाह लूट रहा है because India according to them is the hot favourइते destination of investment and opportunity.

हम अमृत काल में हैं और यह हमारा गौरव काल है और 2047 में आजादी के शताब्दी महोत्सव पर भारत विकसित देश और विश्व गुरु निश्चित रूप से बनेगा

I wish you every success in your future endeavours, in your professional and personal lives.


Source PIB