FCI to dispose 50 Lakh Metric Ton wheat 25 Lakh Metric Ton of Rice through Open Market Sale Scheme

azadi ka amrit mahotsav


: Mumbai, November 7, 2023

Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Department of Food and Public Distribution vide their letter dated 13.06.2023 had issued approval for disposal of wheat and rice through Open Market Sale Scheme (Domestic) [(OMSS (D)]. 50 Lakh Metric Ton wheat from Central Pool Stock has been approved to be offered to flour mills/ Processor’s /manufactures of wheat products through e-auction under OMSS (D) with a limitation of 100 (Metric Tonnes) of Wheat per PAN Card with a view to moderate the increasing prices of wheat, so that the benefit of price stabilisation is passed on to the actual consumers.

Similarly, Ministry of Consumer Affairs Food and Public Distribution has also approved sale of 25 Lakh Metric Ton of Rice through OMSS (D). Besides the producers & processors, traders of rice can also participate in the sale auction of rice. As per revised guidelines, a bidder can bid 10 Metric Tons wheat to maximum of 200 Metric Tons wheat & 10 Metric Tons rice to maximum of 1000 Metric Tons rice. The auction for sale of FCI wheat and rice commenced on 28.06.2023 and later on, on every Wednesday. Till date, 19 auctions of wheat and 16 auctions of rice have been done. 7,40,710 MT of wheat and 11,11,920 MT of rice has been offered in these auctions at a reserve price of Rs 2150/Quintal for Fair Average Quality wheat and Rs 2125/quintal for Under Relaxed Specification wheat and Rs 2973/Quintal for Fortified Rice and Rs 2900/Quintal for FAQ Rice. Out of which, the accepted quantity is 4,18,890 MT of wheat and 1710 MT of rice. As on 06.11.2023, a quantity of 3,92,296 MT of wheat and 1690 MT of rice has been lifted through OMSS (D). Release of FCI wheat and rice into the markets have a restraining impact of the inflationary trend in the prices of wheat and rice.


SC/PK  Source: FCI


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Source PIB