Government reopens application window for PLI Scheme for White Goods (ACs and LED Lights) from 10th March to 25th April 2022 to give second chance to prospective investors to take benefits of the Scheme

The Union Cabinet had given approval for the PLI Scheme for White Goods for manufacture of components and sub-assemblies of Air Conditioners (ACs) and LED Lights on 7.04.2021 in pursuance of Prime Minister’s clarion call for ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ to bring manufacturing at the center stage and emphasize its significance in driving India’s growth and creating jobs.The Scheme is to be implemented over a seven-year period, from FY 2021-22 to FY 2028-29 and has an outlay of Rs. 6,238 crore. 

The Scheme was notified by DPIIT on 16.04.2021.The Scheme Guidelines were published on 04.06.2021. Some modifications to the Scheme Guidelines were issued on 16.08.2021 and 24.02.2022. Applicants were given flexibility to choose the gestation period either up to March 2022 or up to March 2023.

On-line applications for the Scheme were invited from 15.06.2021 to 15.09.2021 through a web portal having URL as Total 52 companies had filed their application.

After evaluation of all the applications, 42 applicants with committed investment of Rs 4,614 crorehave been provisionally selected as beneficiaries under the PLI scheme. The selected applicants include 26 for Air Conditioners manufacturing with committed investments of Rs. 3,898 crore and 16 for LED Lights manufacturing with committed investments of Rs. 716 crore.

Additional applications are invited under Clause 9.2 of the Scheme Guidelines for investments under the Scheme on the same terms and conditions as stipulated in the Scheme Guidelines issued on June 04, 2021, as amended from time to time. The incentive shall be available only for the remaining tenure of the Scheme.

The application window for the Scheme shall remain open for the period from the 10th March to 25th April, 2022 (inclusive) on the same on-line portal having URL as No application shall be accepted after the closure of the application window.

Consolidated Scheme Guidelines are available at and the website of DPIIT having URL as





    Source PIB