The India China Combined Military Training Exercise Hand in Hand 2015 commenced on 12 Oct at Kunming Military Academy, Yunnan, China.
The Exercise concluded with a Joint Field Exercise followed by an impressive closing ceremony.
Participating troops from both sides had trained together and learned from each other in mixed groups on Basic Individual Skills (combat boxing, basic mountaineering and shooting), Comprehensive Combat Skills (obstacle crossing, combat shooting, demolition, high intensity physical training) and unit/ sub unit tactics, especially in a counter terrorism scenario.
A joint field exercise depicting counter terrorist operations on India China border areas was held from 21 to 22 Oct to validate the exercise objectives. A series of challenging tactical situations were presented to validate the reactions of the sub-units and a very high level of professionalism and coordination was seen among troops of both the armies.
The exercise was overlooked by the observer delegation of both countries, who expressed satisfaction at level of assimilation achieved by the troops of both sides.
This was followed by the Closing Ceremony which commenced with an impressive parade by both contingents wherein national flags of both countries were brought on parade, followed by playing national anthems.
The heads of observer delegation of both countries reviewed the parade and thereafter awarded certificates and medals to outstanding members of each others contingents.
The intimate understanding and goodwill generated during the exercise will go a long way in further strengthening military bonds between both armies and has helped in understanding each others organization and conduct of counter terrorist operations.
Also read – Exercise Trident Juncture 2015 Starts
This was the fifth joint counter terrorist exercise which shows the power of both countries to fight terrorism together and highlights the determination and vision of both countries to maintain regional security, stability and develop a conducive environment for development.
The joint exercise has met its stated objectives; to exchange experience on counter-terrorist training and conducting counter-terrorist operations, enhance mutual trust and understanding and promote healthy military relations between the two armies.
The Indian contingent will return to India by military aircraft on 23 Oct 15.