India is Largest Cotton Producing Country in World

India is the largest cotton producing and second largest cotton exporting country.

As per International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) report for the month of March 2017, details of major cotton producing & exporting nations including India is given below:

Country 2016-17
Production Export
India 5.97 0.85
China 3.69 2.77
Pakistan 4.74 0.02
USA 1.69 0.03
Brazil 1.42 0.66
Australia 1.01 0.84
Others 4.17 2.68
Total 22.69 7.85

Major markets for Indian Cotton exports are Bangladesh, Pakistan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Turkey, Thailand etc.

Statement showing Country-wise export and its share with total export from India:

Country 2015-16

(in lakh bales)

Share in total exports (%)
Bangladesh 21.50 31%
China 6.46 9%
Pakistan 27.16 39%
Indonesia 2.88 4%
Vietnam 6.17 9%
Thailand 0.53 1%
Turkey 1.17 2%
Others 3.13 5%
Total Export 69.00