The Union Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Minister, Shri Radha Mohan Singh has said that the milk production has recorded a growth rate of 6.28% during last two years 2014-15 and 2015-16, which is much higher than the growth rate of around 4% in the previous years.
Per capita availability of milk increased from 307 gram per day in 2013-14 to 340 grams per day in 2015-16, a growth of 5% which was below 3% before 2014-15.
National Milk Day is celebrated in India on the birth anniversary of Dr. Verghese Kurien, the Father of White Revolution. During the event e-pashuhaat portal ( was also launched.
For the first time in the world under the scheme National Mission on Bovine Productivity ‘e-pashuhaat’ portal has been developed for connecting breeders and farmers regarding availability of bovine germplasm.
Through the portal breeders /farmers can sell and purchase breeding stock, information on all forms of germplasm including semen, embryos and live animals with all the agencies and stake holders in the country has been uploaded on the portal.
Through this portal, farmers will be aware about the availability of quality disease free bovine germplasm with different agencies in the country. The portal will lead to propagation of high genetic merit germplasm.
India is world leader in milk production since last 15 year and credit of making India as world leader in milk production goes to small producers.
India with 190.90 million cattle (as per 19th Livestock Census 2012) has 13 % of the world cattle population. Out of this, 151 million are indigenous, which is 80% of the total cattle population. Country with 108.7 million buffaloes has 57% of the world buffalo population.
Country is number one in bovine population having 18% of the world population and contributing 20% of the total milk produced in the world.
To increase productivity of indigenous cattle population the allocation for development and conservation of indigenous breeds has been increased by many fold from Rs 45 crores in 2013 to Rs 582 crores. “Rashtriya Goukul Mission”, a new initiative under National Programme for Bovine Breeding and Dairy Development has been launched for the first time in the country, with a view to conserve and develop indigenous bovine breeds.
The mission also envisages establishment of integrated cattle development centres ‘Gokul Grams to develop indigenous breeds including upto 40% nondescript breeds. Till date projects from 27 States have been approved with an allocation of Rs 582.09 crore and out of this an amount of Rs 216.54 crores has been released to the States for implementation.
Establishment of 14 Gokul grams have been sanctioned under the scheme with an outlay of Rs 129 crores.
Two “National Kamdhenu Breeding Centres” are being as a Centre of Excellence to develop and conserve Indigenous Breeds in a holistic and scientific manner. The National Kamdhenu Breeding Centre, besides being a repository of indigenous germplasm, will also be a source of Certified Genetics in the Country. An amount of Rs 25 crore each has been released.
Indigenous breeds besides being heat tolerant and resistant to diseases our indigenous breeds of cows are known to produce A2 type milk which protects us from various chronic health problems such as Cardio Vascular Diseases, Diabetes and neurological disorders besides providing several other health benefits.
To meet ever growing demand of milk and to make milk production more remunerative to the farmers Government has initiated new scheme National Mission on Bovine Productivity with an allocation of Rs 825.00 crores.