Rear Admiral S Venkat Raman, VSM on Friday assumed command of the prestigious Naval War College of the Indian Navy, at Goa. The Admiral took charge of the Navy’s Apex Training Institution from Rear Admiral Sanjay Jasjit Singh, AVSM, NM. The Naval War College conducts training for senior officers, including foreign participants, on defence planning, strategic and operational subjects, with a view to promote a culture of strategic and operational thinking.
Rear Admiral Venkat Raman, is an alumnus of the National Defence Academy Khadakvasla. Commissioned on 01 January 1990, the Rear Admiral is a specialist in Communications and Electronic Warfare and has tenanted various appointments onboard frontline warships of the Indian Navy. His sea tenures include command of the stealth frigate Tabar. Prior to taking over command at Goa, the Rear Admiral was heading the Directorate of Naval Intelligence at Naval Headquarters.
He has completed several post graduate study programmes, including Masters in Defence and Strategic Studies in addition to a Masters in Management Studies from the College of Defence Management.
ABBB/VM/MS 24/21