An amount of Rs. 4,321.05 crore has been released by the Government of India to National Mission for Clean Ganga from 2011-12 to 2016-17, out of which Rs. 2,291.29 crore have been utilized till March, 2017.
In May 2017, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) published a report titled “Benthic Macro Invertebrates of River Ganga” in which a study was conducted to find invertebrates in Ganges.
The study area cover in the aforementioned study is throughout the River length i.e. from Gangotri to Howrah. There are a large number of invertebrates including worms which are integral part of the river ecosystem.
Some examples of the macro invertebrates reported in Varanasi are Baetis, Sinictinogomphus, Orthetrum albistylum speciosum, Sympetrum sp., Zyxomma, Tholymis etc.
Various Interception & Diversion (I&D) and Sewer Network projects are sanctioned by NMCG to stop mixing of polluted water in River Ganga and are at various stages of implementation.