Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DARPG) has released the fifth edition of ‘National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment (NeSDA) – Way Forward Monthly Report for States/UTs’, which provides a detailed overview of status of e-service delivery across States/UTs.
The July monthly report presents the status of e-services, mandatory e-services (as per NeSDA 2021) and highlights the best practices, across States/UTs. It also underlines the saturation level of e-services provided through the State’s/UT’s single unified service delivery portal. Moreover, the report especially features deeper analysis of e-services provided under education sector.
The Report for July, 2023 has been released and is available at
Key highlights of the Report for the month of July, 2023 are as follows:
- 13,867 e-services are provided across States/UTs, which is an increase of 6.3% (816) services from June Report
- 1,397 out of 2,016 mandatory e-services (56*36 States/UTs) are available, making saturation at 69%
- Maximum number of e-services (5,203) lie in sector – Local Governance & Utility Services
- 58% i.e., 21 out 36 States/UTs have achieved saturation of mandatory e-services in Tourism sector. This is followed by Environment sector 47% i.e., 17 out of 36 States/UTs
e-Services in Education Sector
- 911 e-services are mapped under Education sector
- Identified sub-themes of e-services under Education sector are
- 297 e-services under Document Management and Certificate Issuance
- 297 e-services under Education Institute Services and Support
- 202 e-services under Financial Aid Schemes and Scholarships
- 78 e-services under Institute Registration and Regulation
- 37 e-services under Other
- Madhya Pradesh provides the maximum e-services in Education sector (122), which is followed by Karnataka (113), Kerala (92), Gujarat (69), and Himachal Pradesh (55)
- Out of 25 types of distinct e-services identified under Education sector, Karnataka (21) provides the maximum types of e-services. This is followed by Kerala (17) and Madhya Pradesh (16)
Best Practices
- The Government of Gujarat has developed G-Shala (Gujarat Students’ Holistic Adaptive Learning App) which is a Learning Management System (LMS) with e-Content for Grade I-XII
- The Government of Madhya Pradesh is the first State in the country to have used online and centralized system for allotment of 100% seats through their Right to Education (RTE) portal
- The Government of Nagaland has established Common Scholarship portal, serving as a centralized platform for all State Scholarships
- The Government of Himachal Pradesh has initiated online admission related processes of Polytechnic as well as ITI candidates through their Himachal Pradesh Takniki Shiksha (HPTech) Board portal
- The Government of Karnataka has digitized the whole examination process in the state through their Karnataka School Examination and Assessment Board portal
The aforementioned figures of e-services are uploaded by States/UTs on NeSDA – Way Forward dashboard, as of 06/08/2023. The department has categorised the mentioned e-services into various Education specific sub-themes.