Mumbai July 14, 2022
Union Minister of Commerce & Industry Piyush Goyal visited SEEPZ-SEZ in Mumbai today and reviewed the progress of Mega CFC & Construction of Standard Design Factories (SDF-9 & SDF-10). Development Commissioner, SEEPZ-SEZ, Shyam Jagannathan and Joint Development Commissioner, SEEPZ-SEZ, CPS Chauhan briefed the Minister on the current status of the initiatives.
82 Crores for Mega Common Facility Centrel; CFC – a social project not business proposition
The Mega CFC aims to provide support for designing and manufacturing of Gem & Jewellery products. It will enhance the existing quality, productivity, skill of manpower, domestic R&D, technological advancement and cost competitiveness. It will also include a Training Centre for imparting skill development course and developing skilled manpower for the industry.
A total cost of Rs.82.31 crore has been approved for translating the Mega CFC from concept to creation, which is aimed to be operational by May 1st, 2023.
The Mega CFC has been planned with an aim to increase efficiencies of the jewellery processing units including Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It will offer common facilities which are not available with the individual units as they require huge investment. It is a social project and is not to be considered as a business proposition.
Two Standard Design Factories to be operational by May 2023
Two new SDFs are proposed to be constructed in SEEPZ-SEZ for relocating the units at SDF-I to SDF-9 and SDF-10. It is proposed to relocate the Electronic Hardware and Software units in SDF-I to SDF-9 and relocate Gem & Jewellery (G&J) units of SDF-I at SDF-10.These two SDFs will provide all the infrastructure required by these industries. The two new SDFs will mark the commencement of the rejuvenation of SEEPZ-SEZ. They will be operational by May 1st, 2023.
After relocating the units, the 47years old building will be demolished for creating world-class infrastructure. This process will be continued for the next SDFs also thereafter.
The rejuvenation is being projected as SEEPZ-SEZ Version 2.0 Rebooted. Optimizing the cost of operations and energy usage, reducing the carbon footprint and harnessing renewable energy sources such as solar energy alongside will be key focus areas. It shall also ensure near zero waste with integrated waste management, sewage treatment, grey water recycling and rain water harvesting system. The overall objective is to position SEEPZ-SEZ as “Golden Gateway to Global Markets” with infrastructure benchmarked to international best standards, cutting edge technology and Ease of doing business
Joint Chief Executive Officer, MIDC, Executive Director, GJEPC and Trade Members of SEEPZ-SEZ were present during the review meeting.
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