Year End Review 2023: Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation

azadi ka amrit mahotsav

International Cooperation and Coordination with Multilateral agency

Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI) represents India on various international Statistical for a. As a befitting recognition of the Indian Statistical System, India has been elected in United Nations Statistical Commission (UNSC) as a member for a term of four years starting 1st Jan 2024 (after two-decades of vacuum). Through UNSC, MoSPI will have a crucial role in defining international standards, concepts and methodologies in Official Statistics.

In addition, India had been re-elected as (a) one of the three Vice Chairs of the Bureau of UN ESCAP Committee on Statistics (CST) and (b) to the Governing Council of Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific (SIAP) for the period 2022-2024.

Benchmarking of few important statistical products

MoSPI carried out benchmarking of few important statistical products with the best practices followed by other National Statistical Offices (NSOs). Various monthly data/statistical indicators like CPI and IIP are published by MoSPI, with a minimum possible time lag which is at par with the best international standards. The same is true for NAS/GDP quarterly as well as annual estimates.

Computer Aided Personal Interview (CAPI)

Regarding systemic improvement and timely publication of data, modern IT tools are being adopted for improved data capturing and processing by MoSPI. As a part of this, all the ongoing surveys are now being conducted in CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview), loaded with in-built Computer Scrutiny Points (CSP), for data validation at different stages of data capturing, which is a cloud based digital platform ensuring simultaneous data processing. It enables faster validation and improved data quality along with time cycle involved in publishing the survey result.

This technological improvement caused a drastic reduction in the time lag of release of survey results including Quarterly Bulletins (QB) of Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) from 9 months to 2-3 months from the completion of field work. The time lag in release of PLFS Annual Report 2022-23 has also been brought down to around 3 months from 8 months of release of PLFS Annual Report 2021-22 from end of survey period.

Data visualization

The Ministry attempted modernization of its website-based on feedback from various users, a data visualization section has been added in the MoSPI’s website for the first time. To begin with this section contains visualizations related to four databases of MoSPI, viz. NAS / GDP, CPI (Rural, Urban, Combined), PLFS and IIP. With this experience, we are expanding the scope and coverage to integrate data of other line Ministries/Departments. Participants of data users’ conference appreciated these features under the website.

Data users’ conferences:

Since October 2022, MoSPI organized three data users’ conferences for users and stakeholders. To begin with, MoSPI covered National Account Statistics (NAS) in these conferences, which were attended by experts from academia, industries, media, researches etc. The initiative is well appreciated by the participants.

Release of revised Guidelines on MPLADS and launch of new Web-Portal

MoSPI administers Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS), which enables Members of Parliament (MPs) to recommend works of developmental nature with emphasis on  creation of durable community assets based on the locally felt needs. The Scheme is governed by a set of guidelines, which has been revised and came into effect from 01.04.2023.

The Ministry has launched a web-portal for implementing fund flow procedure. The new web-portal incorporates several technology-enabled functionalities covering the entire lifecycle of a MPLADS development project and online monitoring system such as online work recommendation, online sanction/rejection, dashboards, alert generation, automatic generation of utilization/completion certificate, payment to vendors etc. The new system has brought greater improvements in functioning, implementation and monitoring of the MPLAD Scheme in line with the Digital India.

Data Governance Quality Index (DGQI) of NITI Aayog

MoSPI’s score has risen from 4.08 of previous edition (2021-22/Q4) to 4.27 in the current edition (2022-23/Q4). Amongst Strategic Ministries/Departments,     in which MoSPI is placed, it occupies second position.

Swachhata Pakhwada

MoSPI celebrated Special Swachhata Pakhwada from 1st July to 15thJuly 2023. During this fortnight, a wide range of Swachhata related activities were conducted including workshops, various types of competitions for children, health camps, street plays, rallies, Swachhata Awareness drives etc.  in various schools, hospitals, orphanages, markets, industrial areas and villages across the country apart from offices of the Ministry.

Gender Statistics

The Ministry organized a seminar on “Role of Gender Statistics in Policy Making “in the month of March 2023.The 24th issue of publication titled “Women and Men in India 2022 ” on 15.03.2023 to commemorate International Women’s Day. The publication is a comprehensive and insightful

document, which helps us understand the disparities that exist between different groups of women and men.

Environmental Statistics

The publication “EnviStats India 2023 Vol. I: Environment Statistics ” has been released on 31.03.2023, covering a wide range of topics, including air  and water quality, waste generation and disposal, biodiversity and land use, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy consumption. “Envistats India Vol.II: Environment Accounts” was released on 29th September 2023.

Sustainable Development Goals National Indicator Framework (NIF)

The Ministry organized a one-day workshop on “Consultation on Milestone   Setting for SDG National Indicators and Identification of National Indicators for Unaddressed SDG Targets” on 22nd February, 2023. Since the targets for SDGs are set by the UN to be achieved by 2030, the ministries and departments concerned were requested to set milestones for the interim periods to have a better monitoring of the progress made in achieving the targets. Further, against the 169 targets, national indicators are yet to be identified for a few targets. About 75 officers from concerned data source agencies/line Ministries, NITI Aayog and MoSPI participated in the workshop. Publications released:

Sustainable Development Goals National Indicator Framework (NIF) Progress Report 2023.

Data Snapshot on Sustainable Development Goals National Indicator Framework 2023.

Sustainable Development Goals National Indicator Framework 2023. (updated version of 2022)



Source PIB