Every year, the Annual Hydrographic Conference is held at National Hydrographic Office, Dehradun. During the Conference, operational tasking undertaken and challenges faced, survey tasks envisaged for the next season, personnel and training, aspects of technological advancements etc are discussed along with deliberations on the latest hydrographic standards, practice and policies.
On the eve of the Conference, an interaction with Veteran Survey sailors was organised this year. A total of 56 Veterans attended the function along with Commanding Officers of IN ships and Officers-in-charge of Units. The function was hosted by Vice Admiral Adhir Arora, Chief Hydrographer to the Govt of India.
Vice Admiral BR Rao (Retd), the erstwhile Chief Hydrographer, was the Chief Guest for this event. During the interaction, the magazine ‘Coordinates version 2.0 – Directory of Veterans of Indian Naval Hydrographic Department‘ was also released which is a comprehensive compendium of Veteran Officers and Sailors of the Hydro cadre.
VM/PS 78/22