Aung San Suu Kyi’s Visit to India

Aung San Suu Kyi, State Counsellor of Myanmar, paid a State visit to India from October 17-19, 2016.

She was accompanied by a high-level delegation that included U Kyaw Win, Union Minister for Planning and Finance, U Kyaw Tin, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, U Toe Aung Myint, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce and U Kyaw Lynn, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Construction.

The Indian leadership congratulated the State Counsellor on the historic achievement of the National League for Democracy at the general elections in Myanmar last year and underlined India’s commitment to support the Government of Myanmar in its quest to achieve the aspirations of the Myanmar people.

She and PM Modi held wide-ranging discussions on various issues of mutual interest. India expressed support for the efforts of the State Counsellor for the economic and social development of the country, especially in the creation of livelihood, capacity building, reconstruction of roads, provision of power, education facilities and health infrastructure that would contribute to progress and prosperity of the people of Myanmar. It was agreed that areas for cooperation identified during the visit to India of Myanmar President U Htin Kyaw in August 2016 would be fast-tracked for implementation.

India expressed the hope that, as a diverse and pluralistic society, Myanmar will be able to find equitable solutions peacefully through consultations among all stakeholders. India reaffirmed its commitment to assist Myanmar’s efforts for strengthening democratic institutions and to support the 21st Century Panglong peace process now underway in Myanmar and expressed the hope that this would lead to enduring peace.

In the context of the recent terrorist attacks in Uri, the State Counsellor condemned the terrorist incident and conveyed her deep condolences to the loved ones of those who lost their lives.

The Prime Minister also condemned the recent armed attacks against three border posts in the northern part of Rakhine State and expressed his profound sympathy for the families of the policemen killed in the attacks.

Both sides shared the view that maintaining security along the border is essential for the socio-economic development of the border area. In this regard, both sides underlined their mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, and reaffirmed their shared commitment to fight insurgent activity and the scourge of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

Both sides expressed the view that the long-standing commitment not to allow insurgent groups to use their soil for hostile activities against the other side is essential for the prosperity of the people residing along the border. In this context, it was agreed that the border guarding forces on both sides would further coordinate and exchange information towards securing the common borders. Both sides also agreed to expedite discussions regarding the relevant border segments.

Both sides expressed their mutual respect for the already-demarcated boundary between the two countries, and stressed the need to resolve outstanding boundary demarcation issues as soon as possible through existing mechanisms.

Understanding that enabling and facilitating regulated and easy movement of people across the land borders for business, tourism and other purposes is in the mutual interest of both countries, both sides also agreed to coordinate, through diplomatic channels, the setting up of immigration facilities at the Tamu-Moreh and Rhi-Zowkhathar border crossing points.

Both sides agreed to remove impediments to trade and commerce to enable bilateral trade and investment to reach its full potential. It was agreed to hold early meetings of the Joint Trade Committee (JTC), Joint Working Groups on Border Trade and Border Haats, and on Railways and Shipping.

Myanmar side reiterated its intention to invite Indian companies to participate in competitive tenders for petrochemical and petroleum products, marketing infrastructure and the setting up of LPG terminals.

Both sides agreed on the need for close cooperation on the development of ocean-based Blue Economy and Maritime Cooperation in the Bay of Bengal and to chart out ways for future cooperation.

The two sides reviewed the development cooperation initiatives being undertaken with technical and financial assistance from the Government of India and agreed that these should be expedited, as the areas of connectivity upgradation, capacity building, agriculture, education infrastructure, healthcare and IT and industrial training, and various training programmes have a direct linkage with the well being of the people.

India expressed its willingness to support pulses research in Myanmar by extending cooperation in the area of developing improved varieties, cultivation practices and pulses procurement. The project proposal on the Establishment of Varietal Development and Seed Production Centre on Pulses would be finalised soon.

Recognising the contribution of power infrastructure, generation and transmission capacity to socio-economic progress, India will assist in strengthening the power supply elements on projects identified by the Myanmar Government. In this context, both sides expressed satisfaction over the signing of an MoU between India and Myanmar on Cooperation in the field of Power.

As a technology demonstration pilot project, Myanmar welcomed the announcement of Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the provisioning and installation of LED based energy efficient lighting projects in Myanmar. Both sides agreed to select the location through consultations between India, Myanmar and relevant state government.


India and Myanmar signed three agreements following delegation-level talks.

One memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed on cooperation in the power sector.

A second MoU was signed on banking supervision between the Reserve Bank of India and the Central Bank of Myanmar while a third MoU was inked for designing an academic and professional building programme for the insurance industry of Myanmar.


Though Suu Kyi is not the President as Myanmar’s constitution bars her from this post, the Nobel peace laureate is effectively the de facto ruler of the country.

This is the first official visit of Suu Kyi to New Delhi since her National League for Democracy (NLD) assumed power in Myanmar in March this year.

Prior to reaching New Delhi for the state visit, she attended the BRICS-Bimstec Outreach Summit in Goa.

Her visit comes after Myanmar President U Htin Kyaw’s visit to India in August this year.