: Mumbai, August 1, 2024
The ‘Learning Science via Standards’ training programme, conducted by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), Mumbai Branch Office-II, in Mumbai District, is a unique initiative designed to inspire science teachers to understand and teach science using Indian standards.
The two-day programme was held at the Western Regional Laboratory, BIS, Mumbai on 30th July, 2024 and 31st July, 2024. Twenty-one teachers from various schools and colleges in Mumbai participated in it. The initiative aims to encourage teachers to help students use various scientific concepts and standards, fostering a deeper understanding of science and practical application.
The programme was inaugurated by Shri Sanjay Vij, Scientist F/Senior Director, and Head of Mumbai Branch Office-II, BIS.
In his opening address, Shri Vij remarked, “We believe this approach will enable students to excel in the field of science and contribute meaningfully to society.” Scientific officers from BIS Western Regional Laboratory were also present on the occasion.
As part of the programme, all participants visited Western Regional Laboratory to witness the testing facilities. They have been demonstrated about testing of domestic products like Electrical switches and sockets, pressure cooker, Cables & Packaged Drinking Water etc.
SC/PM Source: BIS Mumbai Branch Office II
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