Brazil President’s Visit to India

Mr. Michel Temer, President of Brazil, paid official visit to India on 17 October 2016. He was accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Jose Serra, Minister of Agriculture Mr. Blairo Maggi, Minister of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services Mr. Marcos Pereira and large official and business delegations.

Talks between India and Brazil were held in Goa in a warm, cordial and friendly atmosphere.

The decade long bilateral strategic partnership, which has opened a new phase for India-Brazil relations, is based on a common global vision; shared democratic values; and a commitment to foster economic growth with social inclusion for the welfare of the people of both countries.

The two leaders held wide-ranging discussions on bilateral, regional and multilateral issues of mutual interest and reached a broad consensus, with a common goal to work closely towards strengthening the strategic partnership and giving it a new impulse.

India and Brazil share a very close and multifaceted relationship at bilateral level as well as in plurilateral fora such as BRICS, BASIC, G-20, G-4, IBSA, International Solar Alliance and in the larger multilateral bodies such as the UN, WTO, UNESCO and WIPO.

The leaders expressed satisfaction on the progress made during the 8th BRICS Summit and agreed to work closely on the agreements reached during the Summit.

They expressed their satisfaction at the conclusion of the negotiations of an India-Brazil Investment Cooperation and Facilitation Treaty. India apprised Brazil of the liberalized FDI policies & ‘Make in India’ initiatives inviting more investments from Brazil.

The Brazilian side, on its turn, presented the “Project Grow”, proposing new rules, improving the governance and approving some projects as national priority, which brings new opportunities for Indian investments in Brazil.

India and Brazil expressed satisfaction with the ongoing cooperation in the science, technology and innovation sector. The leaders appreciated that the Joint Commission on Science and Technology to be held in 2017 would signal continuous cooperation.


Leaders underscored the need for urgent reform of the United Nations, particularly the Security Council, including an expansion in both the permanent and non-permanent membership. In this context, they welcomed the creation of a Group of Friends on Security Council Reform.

The leaders stressed the need to further diversify the trade basket. In this connection, they expressed satisfaction at the progress made at the recently held meeting of the Trade Monitoring Mechanism (TMM).

The recommendations presented by the business leaders of both countries were appreciated and they urged the private sector to make effort to expand bilateral trade and investment and strengthen business partnerships.

They were satisfied with the conclusion of the negotiations of an India-Brazil Investment Cooperation and Facilitation Treaty and welcomed the signing of agreements in the areas of agricultural research, animal husbandry and drug regulation.

The meeting opened a new phase for decade long bilateral strategic partnership which is based on a common global vision, shared democratic values, and a commitment to foster economic growth with social inclusion for the welfare of the people of both countries.

The discussions enabled better understanding and appreciation of each other’s concerns and perspectives and helped in forging closer understanding at the highest political level.