BRICS Summit Adopts Goa Declaration

BRICS leaders adopted the Goa Declaration at eight BRICS Summit and an action plan on its implementation.

The BRICS leaders have reiterated in their joint declaration the need to fully implement UN Security Council resolutions 2254 and 2268 on Syria and called for an inclusive Syrian-led political process while continuing the fighting against terrorists.

It added that it was necessary to continue fighting against the Daesh and Jabhat Fatah al Sham (also known as the Nusra Front) terrorist organizations, designated by the UN Security Council.

All five BRICS leaders emphasized the importance of predictability in the development of civil nuclear capabilities and accessing technology and finance for these aims in their final declaration on the results of BRICS summit in Goa.

RICS leaders welcomed the adoption of Paris Climate Agreement and called on the developed nations to fulfil their obligations to assist the developing states with a view to stop global warming.

The Paris deal of December 2015 is intended to limit global average temperatures to less than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and reduce countries’ emissions of pollutants that contribute to planetary warming. The agreement, part of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, is designed to take effect one month after being ratified by 55 signatories representing 55 percent of worldwide greenhouse-gas emissions.

The BRICS leaders condemned unilateral military interventions and economic sanctions, which violate the international law.

The BRICS members states emphasized the importance of non-intervention in the internal affairs of states and the indivisible nature of the international security.

BRICS leaders insist on the necessity to review the International Monetary Fund quotas in order to increase the representation of emerging economies in the institution, and hope there will be no more delays in it, the final declaration of the BRICS Goa summit reads. On October 8, the IMF announced it postpones the timetable for completing the review until 2019, which must have disappointed BRICS members, who sought to review the quotas for years.

The leaders also called on the developed European nations to cede two chairs in the IMF governing body.

Bilateral and regional deals that exclude BRICS nations and thus can be considered of discriminatory nature include the US-backed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) trade agreements.

BRICS leaders have reaffirmed the necessity for a comprehensive reform of the United Nations, including the Security Council, in order to make its activity more effective, the Goa Declaration, adopted at the eight BRICS Summit on Sunday, said.

According to the document, Russia and China consider that such states as Brazil, India and South Africa should “play a greater role in the UN” as they have an important status on the international arena.

All five BRICS leaders reiterated in their joint declaration on Sunday the need to implement a two-state solution for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as foreseen in relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

In addition, the summit has resulted in the signing of a memorandum of understanding on establishment of a platform for BRICS agriculture research, a directive on committee for BRICS customs cooperation and a memorandum of understanding between BRICS countries’ diplomatic academies.

BRICS is an association of five developing economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, which is aimed at enhancing cooperation in multiple spheres between the member states.

The eighth annual BRICS event is taking place this weekend in India’s Goa and is attended by all five leaders, who were set to discuss a plan for cooperation in the near future as well as a wide range of political, economic and security issues.