For effective utilization of agricultural residue as a resource, the Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR & Adjoining Areas (CAQM) via Direction No. 72 dated 17.03.2023 has directed all Captive Thermal Power Plants (CTPPs) in the National Capital Region (NCR) to initiate immediate steps to co-fire biomass-based pellets (with focus on paddy straw utilization) with coal through a continuous and uninterrupted supply chain targeting at least 5% co-firing of biomass pellets, latest by 30th September, 2O23 and at least 10% co-firing by 31st December, 2023.
Further, these CTPPs have been directed by the Commission to strictly comply with the standards of emissions, at all times and with immediate effect, as stipulated vide Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change, MoEFCC’s Notification S.O. 3305(E), dated 07.12.2O15 and its amendments from time to time. The first action taken report in compliance of this Direction has to be submitted to the Commission by 30.09.2023 and reports thereafter to be sent on a monthly basis.
Ex-situ utilization of paddy straw, being an important strategy to control stubble burning, the Commission since its inception has taken up the matter of Ex-situ management of agricultural stubble with NCR State Governments and the State Government Authorities for ensuring use of agricultural residue/ biomass pellets as fuel in the Thermal Power Plants (TPPs).
The Commission through its Statutory Direction No. 42 dated 17.09.2021 had mandated identified 11 TPPs located within 300 Km of Delhi to co-fire biomass pellets with coal in proportion up to 5-10%.
Use of low Sulphur coal has been permitted in NCR, as an exception, only in the TPPs in NCR. As this provision is also applicable to the Captive Thermal Power Plants, co-firing of biomass-based pellets with coal also needs to be undertaken in all CTPPs.
CTTPs have also been directed to submit the first action taken report in compliance of Direction No. 72 latest by 30.09.2023, failing which CTTPs are liable for action.