Crude Oil Production in India

Crude oil production during August, 2016 was 3067.80 TMT which is 1.02% and 3.93% lower than target and production achieved in August 2015 respectively.

Cumulative crude oil production during April-August, 2016 was 15146.22 TMT which is 0.75% and 3.15% lower than target and production during corresponding period of last year respectively.

Unit-wise crude oil production for the month of August, 2016 and cumulatively for the period April-August, 2016 vis-à-vis same period of last year has been shown in Table-1 and month-wise in Figure-1.

Table-1: Crude Oil Production (in TMT)

Oil Company Target August (Monthly)
2016-17 (Apr-Mar) 2016-17 2015-16 % over last year
Target Prod.* Prod.
ONGC 22766.00 1897.03 1865.31 1929.26 96.69
OIL 3480.00 276.32 272.08 276.02 98.57
PSC Fields 10839.32 926.13 930.42 987.86 94.19
Total 37085.32 3099.48 3067.80 3193.15 96.07

1. Crude oil production by ONGC during August, 2016 was 1865.31 TMT which is 1.67% lower than the monthly target and 3.31% less when compared with August, 2015.

Reasons for shortfall in production in some fields are as under:

Repair of sub-sea leakage in well fluid lines and less than planned production from Marginal fields

Repair of sub-sea leakage in 16″ HSC–HRG well fluid line

2. Crude oil production by OIL during August, 2016 was 272.08 TMT which is 1.54% lower than monthly target and 1.43% less than production in August 2015.

Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:

Less than planned contribution from old wells.

Rise in water cut in wells of Greater Hapjan, Greater Chandmari fields & Naharkatiya fields.

Loss in production of 2622 MT on account of strike by drivers during 15th to 18th Aug’16, bomb blasts at Tinsukia, Dibrugarh and Sibsagar districts on 14th & 15th Aug’16 and miscreant activities/local problems at various locations during the month.

3. Crude oil production by Pvt. /JVs during August 2016 was 930.42 TMT which is 0.46% higher than the monthly target but 5.81% less when compared with August, 2015.

Reasons for shortfall in production are as under:

Natural Decline in Ravva, CB-OS/2 and well fluid riser problems in Panna-Mukta

Closure of one well in MA and one well in D1D3 field in KG-DWN-98/3

Underperformance of Bhagyam field and natural decline of Mangala wells of RJ-ON-90/1