Delhi Declaration on Traditional Medicines

In its quest for promotion of cooperation in the field of medicinal plants, the National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) under the Ministry of AYUSH has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with University of West Indies, Trinidad & Tobago in 2014.

To give further impetus to the promotion of international cooperation in the field of Medicinal plants, the NMPB has since revised its “Central Sector Scheme on Conservation, Development and Sustainable Management of Medicinal Plants, 2015”, by including a component on “Bilateral / International cooperation and collaboration with International Agencies”.

The salient features of Delhi Declaration on Traditional Medicines for South East Asian countries are follows:-

I. To promote National policies, strategies and interventions for equitable development and appropriate use of traditional medicine in the health care delivery system.

II. To develop institutionalized mechanism for exchange of information, expertise and knowledge with active cooperation with WHO on traditional medicine through workshops, symposia, visit of experts, exchange of literature etc.

III. To establish regional centers as required for capacity building and networking in the areas of traditional medicine and medicinal plants.

The Ministry of AYUSH has already set up Ayurveda Chair in University of Debrecen, Hungary and Rangsit University, Thailand.