Discussions, consultations, Cultural Programmes, and Experience Sharing will all be part of Youth20 programme being organised at IIM, Raipur from tomorrow

azadi ka amrit mahotsav

 Discussions, consultations, Cultural Programmes, and Experience Sharing will all be part of Youth20 programme being organised at IIM, Raipur from tomorrow.Y20 is the youthful counterpart to  G20 Summits, and it is the solitary formally recognized platform that provides a means for young people to interact with the G20. Speaking at the curtain raiser press conference about the event, Dr. Ram Kumar Kakani, Director , IIM Raipur explained that the year’s five themes for Youth are :1. Future of Work: Industry 4.0, Innovation, and the 21st Century, 2. Peacebuilding and Reconciliation: Ushering in an Era of No War 3. Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction: Making Sustainability a Way of Life 4. Shared Future: Youth in Democracy and Governance 5. Health, Wellbeing, and Sports: An Agenda for Youth.

As one of the most influential international diplomatic forums for emerging leaders, it is part of a group of eight official engagement groups that operate under the umbrella of the G20. 

Giving more details, Dr Kankani said that the Y20 Consultation Event at IIM Raipur will focus on the theme of “Peace Building and Reconciliation: Ushering in an Era of No War”. The  Union Minister for Youth Affairs & Sports, Shri Anurag Singh Thakur will be the chief guest at the event. About 250 foreign and Indian delegates, along with 75 college students from Chhattisgarh will be participating in the Y20 event at the IIM Raipur campus. He further  said, “War is not the answer for the future generation. The Y20 summit consultation process is a perfect platform for the youth to share their voice and to ensure that this fantastic peace-building process on complex and interconnected issues is viewed neutrally  in the modern-day schools of thought.” The conference will be attended by dignitaries from India and across the world, including Smt Renuka Singh,  MoS, Tribal Affairs, and GoI, who will deliver the guest of honor address. The conference will feature several panel discussions, keynote speeches, and experience-sharing sessions.

Dr. Kakani reiterated that the three-panel discussions will focus on various aspects of conflict resolution, peace-making, peacebuilding, peacekeeping, and building consensus among communities.

To bring breadth and expertise to these discussions, journalists operating out of conflict zones, senior armed forces officers, ex-LWE, bureaucrats, and elected officials are participating. 

The Y20 Consultation event will also host a youth dialogue with Shri Anurag Singh Thakur. The youth dialogue is a unique opportunity for young people to engage with the minister and share their ideas and opinions on peacebuilding and conflict resolution.

Shri Pankaj Singh, Director of, the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports spoke about the Ministry’s encouragement and support to Y-20 Initiatives.

The Y20 Consultation Event is a significant opportunity for Raipur and Chhatisgarh to showcase their commitment to promoting the enthusiasm of peace building among the students and the youth. The institute is proud to host this event and looks forward to welcoming the participants.



Source PIB