The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan){DEPwD}, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt of India through National Divyangjan Finance and Development Corporation (NDFDC) regularly organizes Divya Kala Mela- a unique event showcasing the products and craftsmanship of Divyang entrepreneurs/artisans from across the country. To continue the efforts of empowering Divyang Entrepreneurs, Divya Kala Mela is being organized from 6th to 11thFebruary 2024 at Children Park, Agartala(Tripura).
The Divya Kala Mela, Agartala inaugurated on 06th February 2024 at 5.00 PM by Shri Ratan Lal Nath, Cabinet Minister of Power, Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare and Election Department, Govt. of Tripura in august presence of Shri Tinku Roy, Minister for Youth Affairs & Sports, Social Welfare & Social Education and Labour, Govt. of Tripura. Shri Naveen Shah, IFS, CMD, NDFDC ,Sh. Achintam Killikdar, Dy. Commissioner For PwDs, Shri Rajib Ghosh, State Convener, BJP Divyangjan Cell, Tripura, prominent NGOs working for Divyangjan and other dignitaries were also present during the programme.
The event will present an enthralling experience to the visitors, as vibrant products from various parts of the country as well as NE states will be seen together. More than 60 Divyang artisans/artists and entrepreneurs besides prominent organizations from about 18 states/UTs will be showcasing their products, skills and services in Agartala. There would be products in the following broad categories: Home Décor and lifestyle, Clothing, Stationery and eco-friendly products, packaged food and organic products, Toys and gifts, Personal Accessories – Jewellery, Clutch Bags Paintings etc. It will be an opportunity for all to go ‘vocal for local’ and products made by Divyang craftsmen with their extra determination can be seen/purchased.
The 6 Days ‘Divya Kala Mela’, Agartala (Tripura) will be open from 11.00 AM to 9.00 PM and witness a series of cultural activities, including performances by Divyangjan artists and well-known professionals. Visitors can also enjoy their favourite foods from various regions of the country at the event.
This is a unique initiative of DEPwD towards the economic empowerment of PwD/Divyangjan. The Divya Kala Mela presents a bigger platform for marketing and showcasing the products and skills of Divyangjan (PwD). The Divya Kala Mela, Tripura is the 14thone in series starting from 2022 (i) Delhi, 2nd -6th December 2022, (ii) Mumbai, 16th to 25th February 2023, (iii) Bhopal, 12th to 21st March 2023, (iv) Guwahati, 11th to 17th May 2023 (v) Indore, 17th to 23rd June 2023 (vi) Jaipur 29th June to 5th July 2023 (vii) Varanasi, 15th to 24th September,2023(viii) Secunderabad, Hyderabad 6th to 15th October 2023(ix) Bengaluru, Karnataka 27th October to 5th November, 2023 (x) Chennai, TN 17th to 26th November, 2023 (xi) Patna 8th -17th December 2023 (xii) Surat 29th December 23rd to 7th Jan 2024, xiii) Nagpur 12th to 21st January, 2024 and now at Agartala, Tripura.
The department has grandiose plans to promote the concept of Shashaktikaran of Divyang, as part of which ‘Divya Kala Mela’ is being organised across the country.