‘Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund’ in News

The Doha Development Agenda Global Trust Fund (DDAGTF) was established in 2002, in order to receive extra budgetary contributions from WTO Members to finance the implementation of the annual TA Plans.

The total cost of the TA Plans is budgeted at some CHF19 Mio annually, of which some CHF14.5 Mio is covered from Trust Funds and some CHF4.5 Mio from WTO’s regular budget.

The Global Trust Fund is operated against periodic benchmarks and closely supervised by the Committee on Budget Finance and Administration and the Committee and Trade and Development.

According to the rules established by Members, by December of the year preceding the fund’s revolving annual target period, actual contributions amounting to 25 percent of the annual total should be recorded. By 31 March, another 50 percent should be in hand for an overall 75 percent of the total estimated expenditure of the year. By 30 June, 100 percent of the funds needed should be received. Where contribution receipt targets are manifestly not met, the General Council shall meet on an urgent basis to discuss the matter.

Trade Facilitation National Needs Assessments:

The Trade Facilitation National Needs Assessments Fund — provides resources, in the context of the Trade Facilitation negotiating mandate, to allow participants to draw up preliminary findings of national trade facilitation needs and priorities, know which measures they will need time and/or technical assistance in order to implement and have sufficient information to calculate the resources that are likely to be needed.

Trade Facilitation Negotiating Group:

The Trade Facilitation Negotiating Group Fund — provides resources for capital-based officials from developing countries to participate in Geneva-based meetings of the Negotiating Group on Trade Facilitation.

China LDCs & Accessions Programme:

The China LDCs & Accessions Programme — provides resources for LDC interns to work on Accessions issues in the WTO Secretariat, for LDC officials to participate in Geneva-based meetings, and to organize a roundtable event on accessions issues.

Standards and Trade Development Facility on SPS:

The Standards and Trade Development Facility (STDF) is a joint initiative in capacity building and technical cooperation aiming at raising awareness on the importance of sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) issues, increasing coordination in the provision of SPS-related assistance, and mobilizing resources to assist developing countries enhance their capacity to meet SPS standards.

Evaluation of WTO Trust Funds Activities (TEVAL):

The WTO intends to undertake an external evaluation of its trade related technical assistance activities. The evaluation, financed through a dedicated trust fund (TEVAL), will have three main objectives:

1. Assess WTO’s comparative advantage vis-à-vis other agencies in offering trade related technical assistance (TRTA);
2. Assess the relevance of the WTO TRTA to the members and the participants;
3. Assess the efficiency and management of WTO TRTA.