- Universities Grants Commission (UGC): UGC is a statutory organization established by an Act of Parliament in 1956 for the promotion and coordination of university education and for the determination of teaching, examination, research and extension in Universities and maintenance of standards. Apart from providing grants to universities and colleges, the Commission also advises the Central and State Governments on the measures necessary for development of higher education. It functions from New Delhi as well as through its six Regional Offices located in Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Guwahati, Kolkata, Bhopal and Pune.
- Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR): ICHR was established by the Government of India, in 1972, as an autonomous body to encourage objective and scientific research in various aspects of History. The mandate of ICHR is: (i) bring historians together and provide a forum for exchange of views between them; (ii) give a national direction to an objective and rational presentation and interpretation of history; (iii) promote, accelerate and coordinate research in history with special emphasis on areas which have not received adequate attention so far; (iv) promote a coordinated and balanced distribution of research effort over different areas.
- Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR): ICSSR, New Delhi, was set up in 1969 by the Government of India. Its primary objective is to promote research in Social Sciences. The Council is one of the implementing agencies of the social science component of the Cultural Exchange Agreements/(CEPs) and Educational Exchange Progammes (EEPS) signed between the Government of India and the governments of other countries. Bilateral collaboration with premier social science organizations abroad is also undertaken.
- Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA): The objective of the scheme was to set up one model Degree College in each of the identified 374 Districts with Gross Enrolment Ratio lesser than National Average. 374 Educationally Backward Districts were identified on the basis of 2001 Census whose GER (Higher Education) was lower than the then national average of 12.4%. These include 64 Minority Concentrated Districts. The capital cost for each college was fixed at Rs8 crore. This was subsequently revised to Rs4 crores. The land was to be provided free of cost by the state governments.
- In order to provide quality education through Open and Distance Learning System, the following institutional arrangement is in place:
- Open Universities: Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) was established by an Act of Parliament in 1985 to enhance access and equity to higher education through Open and Distance Mode. The University aims at empowering the disadvantaged and marginalised persons through appropriate education and skills for their gainful employment and opportunities for lifelong learning. To meet its objectives, the University, other than its main campus at New Delhi, has 67 Regional Centres spread across the country. About 30 lakh students cumulatively are on-rolls in its various academic programmes.
- National Literacy Mission Authority: (NLMA) has been set up as an independent and autonomous wing of the Department to promote literacy and adult education and to achieve the goals spelt out in the National Policy on Education. It is the operating and implementing organization at national level for all the activities envisaged in National Literacy Mission and has to undertake such other activities for adult education as are considered appropriate.
- Saakshar Bharat: SB the new variant of the National Literacy Mission, was launched on September 8, Initially, the scheme was in operation till 31 March 2012, now Saakshar Bharat programme has been included in the XII Five Year Plan (2012-17). The financial parameters for 2013-14 were the same as in XI plan period.