Food Safety Act Completes 10 Years

Function was organised by FSSAI to commemorate 10 years of the enactment of Food Safety and Standard Act (FSSAI Act) in New Delhi.

Commemorating a decade of integrated food law in the country and marking ten years of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), Prime Minister Narendra Modi underscored the ‘need for the Authority to focus on empowering the consumers so that the manufacturers and suppliers of food products become responsive to consumer needs, demands and expectations.’

Food safety is a very important health and economic issue. It has high employment potential, can boost exports of agro-products out of the country, and also provide better returns to farmers for their produce. Provisions of safe food should become a part of ingrained culture in our country.

On this occasion, the Union Health Minister released the special commemorative volume – a compilation of the history and over fifty invited articles from the scientists, experts, industry people and consumer organizations.

Commemorating this milestone, FSSAI also announced 10@10 – 10th anniversary with 10 initiatives. The primary focus of the 10@10 initiative is to engage with stakeholders and consumers to create food safety culture in the country.

This bouquet of 10 initiatives focused on safe and nutritious food at home, school, workplace, religious places, in trains and railway stations, in restaurants and other places.

The event also saw launch of Food Safety Display Boards that would help to connect the consumers directly to food safety officers.

Under the Corporates4FoodSafety initiative, the corporates committed themselves to collaborate, educate and inspire other stakeholders towards food safety as responsible food businesses.