Full List of Defence Agreements Signed with Foreign Countries

The details of defence agreements/MoUs signed during the last three years and current year are as under:

S. No. Country Defence Agreement / MoUs
1. Bangladesh MoU between the Coast Guards for Establishment of Collaborative Relationship to Combat Transnational illegal activities at sea and Develop Regional Cooperation.
2. Botswana MoU on secondment of Indian Armed Forces Personnel to the Botswana Defence Forces.
3. France MoU on the Purchase of Rafale.
  4. Japan Agreement concerning Security measures for the protection of classified Military Information.
Agreement concerning Transfer of Defence Equipment and Technology.
MoU on Defence Cooperation and Exchanges between India and Japan.
  5. Kazakhstan Agreement on Defence and Military Technical Cooperation.
  6. Kenya MoU on Cooperation in the field of Defence Cooperation.
  7. Kyrgyzstan Agreement on Defence Cooperation.
  8. Oman MoU on Military Cooperation.
Protocol between the Air Forces on Flight Safety Information Exchange.
MoU between the Coast Guards in the field of Marine Crime Prevention at Sea.
MoU to cooperate on Maritime Issues.
  9. Portugal MoU on Defence Cooperation.
10. RoK Agreement on the Protection of Classified Military Information.
11. Russia Agreement for Training of Indian Armed Force Personnel in Military Training  Establishment of the Defence Ministry of the Russian Federation
Agreement on cooperation in Aircraft Flight Safety.
Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Helicopter Engineering.
Agreement on supply of S-400 Triumph Air Defence Missile systems to the Republic of India.
Agreement for Construction of follow-on Ships of Project 11356 in Russia and in India.
12. Saudi Arabia MoU on Defence Cooperation.
13. Seychelles MoU for cooperation in the field of Hydrography.
Protocol on Sale of Navigational Charts/Electronic Navigational Charts.
14. Singapore Agreement concerning Defence Cooperation.
15. Spain Agreement on Protection of Classified Information.
16. Sudan Memorandum on Defence Cooperation and Exchanges.
17. Tanzania MoU on cooperation in the field of Hydrography.
18. Turkmenistan Agreement on cooperation in the field of defence.
19. UAE MoU concerning Mutual protection of Classified Information.
MoU on cooperation in the field of Defence Industry.
20. US The New Frame Work Agreement for the India- US Defence Relationship (Renewed).
LEMOA- Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement
21. Vietnam MoU between Indian Coast Guard and Vietnam Coast Guard for establishment of Collaborative Relationship to Combat Transnational Crime and Develop Mutual Cooperation.
MoU on Programme of Cooperation between the Vietnam People’s Air Force and Air Defence and IAF.