azadi ka amrit mahotsav


General Manoj Pande, the Chief of the Army Staff reviewed the Passing Out Parade (POP) of Gentleman Cadets at Indian Military Academy (IMA), Dehradun today. A total of 374 Gentleman Cadets of 152 Regular Course and 135 Technical Graduate Course, including 42 Gentleman Cadets (GCs) from seven friendly foreign countries successfully passed out from the portals of IMA. Parents and family members of the Passing Out Gentleman Cadets also attended the event and solemnised the pipping ceremony to witness the momentous occasion of their wards being granted Permanent Commission into the Indian Army.

The POP marks the culmination of rigorous training at IMA, a premier institution imparting training in leadership, self-discipline and the art of war. The training at IMA is aimed at the optimum development of intellectual, moral and physical qualities essential for leadership in the profession of arms. Training at the IMA inculcates patriotism, character, dynamism, initiative and understanding that are the very basis of leadership in the Indian Army.

The Army Chief complimented the Parade Commander and participants for the immaculate turnout as well as the crisp & synergised drill movements indicating high standards of training and discipline imbibed by the young leaders. He also complimented the instructors & staff at IMA for the high standards of training being imparted to future leaders of the Army.

The Army Chief, in his address to the passing out course said, “The Profession of Soldiering is the noblest of all professions, that gives you a unique opportunity to don the uniform and serve your motherland, with selfless devotion. It is a career, driven by a sense of purpose and demands sacrifices from you, beyond the call of duty. In the years ahead, your resilience, determination and unwavering resolve, will be the bedrock upon which the Indian Army will continue to make the tricolour proud, in all its pursuits.

Complimenting the parents of the gentlemen cadets the COAS said, “My compliments to the proud parents and guardians, for raising these fine men of character, who are today ready to be the guardians of the robust value system upheld by the Indian Army. Your role, contribution and continued support is acknowledged, without which this feat would not have been achieved. To transform these young boys into combat leaders, has been our shared vision, and today, we see it happening before us. The nation will remain indebted for your valued contribution.

The Army Chief also complimented the Gentleman Cadets from the Friendly Foreign Countries and said, “Let me congratulate all the forty-two (42) Gentleman Cadets from various Friendly Foreign Countries for having completed their training at academy. I am sure, you as ambassadors of your country will carry back a treasure of good memories of the place and training with you and will cherish them forever. The Indian Military Academy has imparted training to you which form a bedrock for your growth both professionally and personally and will definitely strengthen the friendly ties between our countries.

The Reviewing Officer presented the following awards: –

  • The prestigious Sword of Honour award was awarded to Academy Under Officer Mihir Banerjee.
  • Gold Medal for the Gentlemen Cadet standing First in the Order of Merit was awarded to Senior Under Officer Abhimanyu Singh.
  • Silver Medal for the Gentlemen Cadet standing Second in the Order of Merit was awarded to Academy Under Officer Mihir Banerjee.
  • Bronze Medal for the Gentlemen Cadet standing Third in the Order of Merit was awarded to Battallion Under Officer Kamalpreet Singh.
  • Silver Medal for the Gentlemen Cadet standing First in the Order of Merit from Technical Graduate Course was awarded to Junior Under Officer Sury Bhan Singh.
  • ‘Bangladesh Trophy & Medal’ for the Gentleman Cadet standing First in the Order of Merit from Foreign GCs was awarded to GC Kinga Lhendup (Bhutanese Army).
  • Chief of Army Staff Banner was awarded to Cassino Company for standing Overall First amongst 12 training companies for the Spring Term 2023.

The Passing Out Parade was followed by most awaited “Pipping Ceremony,” in which the shining brass stars which were pipped by the proud parents of the newly commissioned officers of the Indian Army. These newly commissioned young Lieutenants will be joining their respective units all across the country, including the Northern & Western borders.



Source PIB