Panaji: 13 Oct 2020
On the occasion of National Philately Day, Goa Postal Division released a Philatelic Passport on “Festivals of Goa-Series I” and Permanent Pictorial Cancellation on “Philatelic Bureau, Panaji HO” in the hands of Chief Guest, Dr. Carlos M Fernandes, Curator, Goa State Central Library Panaji on 13th October 2020. Dr. Sudhir G Jakhere, Sr Supdt of Post offices, Goa Division, Dr. M. R. Ramesh Kumar, President and Shri. Aslesh Kamat, Secretary, Goa Philatelic and Numismatic Society [GPNS] Goa and Postal Officials were present for the Function held at Tapal Bhavan, Panaji.
Philatelic Passport a unique collectable item in which the name of different countries/locations/cities is provided along with pictures and local information on each separate page. An individual can paste a relevant stamp and get it cancelled with the postmark available in that particular area. It acts as a tourist guide and also enriches the knowledge of the visitors. The Philatelic Passport on “Festivals of Goa-Series I” enlist ten unique festivals celebrated in Goa. This Philatelic Passport on “Festivals of Goa-Series I “will be available for sale at Rs.600/- each at Panaji Head Post Office w.e.f. 13.10.2020. This is the 1st Philatelic Passport released in Goa Postal Division.
The Permanent Pictorial Cancellation on “Philately Bureau, Panaji HO” will be provided at Panaji Philatelic Counter w.e.f. 13.10.2020. This is the 3rd Permanent Pictorial cancellation released in Goa Postal Division.
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