Goa| 11.12.2020
Goa Postal Division released a Special Cancellation with slogan “LET’S ENJOY A COVID-19 FREE CHRISTMAS 2020”in the hands of Dr. Sudhir G Jakhere, Sr Supdt of Post offices, Goa Division Panaji on 11th Decemeber 2020. Shri. K Balaraju Asst. Director Postal Services, Regional Office, Panaji, Dr. M. R. Ramesh Kumar, President Goa Philatelic and Numismatic Society [GPNS] Goa and Postal Officials were present for the Function held at Conference Hall, Tapal Bhavan, Panaji. This special cancellation depicts the message for maintaining social distancing, wearing a mask and washing hands regularly while celebrating Christmas festival.
This Special cancellation will be impressed upon all the articles received for delivery at Panaji Head Post Office and Margao Head Post Office in the Goa Division w.e.f. 11th to 24th December 2020. The Special cancellation is expected to increase public awareness to take adequate precaution & to protect them against COVID-19 during Christmas celebration.
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