Google’s New Undersea Cable in Asia

Google has started bringing online a new high-speed fibre optic undersea cable to speed up its services in Asia.

It has speed of up to 26 terabits per second. Google is part of the six-member FASTER Consortium that began operating the world’s fastest undersea cable to date in June this year between the US and Japan.

Google has extended the Trans-Pacific link from Japan to China’s Taiwan province, where Google has its largest data centre in Asia.

Built with about $300 million and 100Gb/s x 100 wavelengths optical transmission technologies, the 6-fiber-pair cable system lands at Bandon, Oregon, in the US and Chikura and Shima in Japan.

It reaches major data communications hubs on the US West Coast covering the Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle areas and connects many cable systems in Asian countries and regions neighbouring Japan.