The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) has a mandate to carry out the activities relating to indigenous technology promotion, development, utilization and transfer with a mission to invigorate industrial research in the country; create an enabling environment for development and utilization of new innovations and enhance innovations. In line to its mandate, DSIR has been implementing a program known as “Common Research and Technology Development Hubs (CRTDHs)” which aims to encourage Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) for conducting industrial R&D/innovation activities and strengthening R&D infrastructure in Public Funded Research Institutions (PFRIs). This program recognizes the importance of MSMEs in the overall economy of India and therefore focuses on the creation of R&D infrastructure in driving scientific advancements, technological innovations and socio-economic development.
CRTDH program, initiated in the year 2014-15, has now entered the 10th year of successful implementation with 18 CRTDHs across the country. These CRTDHs have notable achievements along with success stories of some of the stakeholders associated with them which are truly forwarding the vision of “Atma Nirbhar Bharat” and strengthening the momentum for “Vocal for Local”. These exemplary and unremitting achievements need to be showcased to various stakeholders including those stakeholders also who are not a part of the network of these CRTDHs at present. In view of this, DSIR is organizing DSIR-CRTDH Conclave 2023 on 6th-7th November 2023 at Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar wherein all 18 CRTDHs will participate and showcase their achievements during two days’ conclave. This will facilitate to break silos and work together with a large domain of stakeholders and to unlock the vast potential of our unexploited resources. Two such conclaves have already been successfully conducted by DSIR at CSIR-Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad in 2019 and CSIR- Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow in 2022.
The DSIR-CRTDH Conclave 2023 will begin on 6th November 2023 with welcome address by Prof. Amit Prashant, Dean R&D, IIT Gandhinagar and an overview of the CRTDH by Dr. Sujata Chaklanobis, Scientist G & Head-CRTDH, DSIR. There will be an inaugural talk by Shri Sandip J. Sagale, IAS, Industries Commissioner, Govt. of Gujarat. Subsequently, the Conclave will be inaugurated by Dr N. Kalaiselvi, Secretary, DSIR & Director General, CSIR along with release of DSIR-CRTDH reports and inauguration of Network-CRTDH portal by the Secretary, DSIR & DG-CSIR. The inaugural session will proceed with the inaugural address of the Guest of Honour, Dr N. Kalaiselvi. The inaugural session will conclude with the vote of thanks by Prof Chinmay Ghoroi, Coordinator CRTDH at IIT Gandhinagar. Next, Dr. N. Kalaiselvi, Secretary, DSIR & DG, CSIR and Shri Sandip J. Sagale, IAS Industries Commissioner, Govt. of Gujarat will inaugurate DSIR-CRTDH Exhibition. The exhibition will display the products/prototypes developed by various CRTDHs along with its associated MSMEs / Start-ups incubated at the CRTDH including posters. Other activities and achievements of these CRTDHs will also be showcased during the exhibition. The exhibition will not only give opportunity to different CRTDHs to know the accomplishments of the CRTDHs but also prospects to different MSMEs/Start-ups to interact with other CRTDHs to whom they are not associated.
Total five technical sessions will be conducted during two days’ event, three sessions on Day 1 and two sessions on Day 2 which will have detailed deliberation on the challenges, learning, and success stories of different CRTDHs and MSMEs associated with them. Each session will start with keynote address of an eminent expert and will continue with experience sharing by CRTDH PIs and MSMEs. Day 1 will witness the sessions on “Innovation and Technology Adoption in Chemical Industry MSMEs”, “Catalyzing Healthcare Innovation: Role of MSMEs” and “Empowering India: Renewables and Indigenous Electronics” whereas Day 2 will start with session on “MSMEs Driving Low-Cost Machining & Environmental Innovation” and conclude with “Innovate to Impact: Unleashing Potential and Driving Change through New Hubs”. The Conclave will follow with formulation of action items for various stake holders. Dr. Vipin C. Shukla, Scientist -F & Member Secretary, CRTDH, DSIR will extend vote of thanks.
The event will be attended by Dr Ranjeet Bairwa and Dr Suman Mazumdar from CRTDH scheme division of DSIR along with CRTDH team of different CRTDHs. Representatives from Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and start-ups, industry associations will also participate in this event to explore the benefits of CRTDH in their R&D endeavors.