The Union government has appointed Braj Bihari Kumar as Chairman of the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR).
He replaces eminent academic S.K. Thorat, who was appointed by the UPA government.
Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) is a council in India which promotes research in the field of social sciences. It was established in 1969 as an autonomous body under Government of India with their office in New Delhi.
Mr. Kumar, 76, is the founding member of Astha Bharati, a non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting the “India’s unity and integrity.” It publishes journals Dialogue and Chintan Srijan .
He was chosen by a selection committee comprising National Research Professor Ashok Modak, Panjab University emeritus professor Jitendra Mohan and historian Satish Mittal.
Vice-Chancellors have been appointed for Nagaland Central University and Aligarh Muslim University (AMU).
Tariq Mansoor, principal of AMU’s Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, will replace Lt. General (retired) Jameeruddin Shah as Vice-Chancellor of AMU.
Pardesi Lal, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Nagaland University, will become the Vice-Chancellor.