- In the years 2000 and 2001, the Government liberalized the Voluntary Retirement Scheme (VRS) for the employees of CPSEs to enable the CPSEs to rationalize their manpower.
- From the introduction of the VRS scheme in October 1988 till March, 2013, around 16 lakh employees have been released under VRS.
- As a safety net for separated employees of CPSES, a scheme for Counseling, Retraining and Redeployment (CRR) is under implementation by DPE since 2001-02.
- The scheme aims at rehabilitation of the separated employees of CPSES through short duration training programmes.
- MoU is a mutually negotiated agreement between the management of the CPSES and the Government of India/Holding Company.
- Performance of management is evaluated in a given year with reference to the commitments against specific indicators made in the MoU.
- MoU system is essentially a system of management audit.
- MoU of CPSES are tabled in the Parliament.
- CPSES are eligible for non-monetary incentives in form of MOU Excellence Awards. The total number of MOU Excellence Awards are 12.
- World crude steel production stood at 1607 million tonnes during 2013, an increase of 5% over 2012.
- China remained the largest crude steel producer in the world, accounting for 72% of Asian and 48% of world crude steel production during 2013.
- India was the 4th largest producer during this period and recorded a growth of 5.1% over 2012.
- Top 10 Crude Steel Producing Countries in 2013
- China
- Japan
- States
- India
- Russia
- South Korea
- Germany
- Turkey
- Brazil
- Ukraine
- The annual consumption of fertilizers in nutrient terms (NPK) has increased from 0.7 lakh MT in 1951 to 09 lakh MT in 2008.
- Per hectare consumption of fertilizers, which was less than 1 Kg in 1951 has risen to the level of 60 Kg in 2008.
- As of now, the country has achieved near self-sufficiency in production capacity of urea with the result that India could substantially manage its requirement of nitrogenous fertilizers through the indigenous industry.
- In case of phospatic fertilizers, nearly 50% of domestic requirement is met through indigenous production.
- As for Potash (K) since there are no viable sources / reserves in the country, its entire requirement is met through imports.
- The industry made a very humble beginning in 1906, when the first manufacturing unit of Single Super Phosphate (SSP) was set up in Ranipet near Chennai.
- The Fertilizer and Chemicals Travancore of India Ltd. (FACT) at Kochi in Kerala and Fertilizers Corporation of India (FCI) in Sindri in Bihar (now Jharkhand) were the first large sized fertilizers plants set up in the 40’s and 50’s.
- THE FERTILIZER CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED (FCIL): Incorporated in 1961, FCI was re-organized along with National Fertilizers Corporation Ltd with effect from 1.4.1978 into five companies namely, FCI, NFL, Hindustan Fertilizer Corporation Ltd. (HFC), Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd. (RCF) and Projects and Development India Ltd. (PDIL).
- HINDUSTAN FERTILIZER CORPORATION LIMITED (HFCL): Incorporated in 1978 as a result of the reorganization of the erstwhile Fertilizer Corporation of India Limited (FCIL), and NFL Group of Companies. The HFCL comprised Barauni unit (Bihar), Durgapur unit and Haldia Project (West Bengal) and Namrup Unit (Assam). The Namrup Unit was hived off from 2002 to form a separate entity with the name of Brahmaputra Valley Fertilizer Corporation Ltd (BVFCL).
- RASHTRIYA CHEMICALS AND FERTILIZERS LIMITED (RCF): Incorporated in 1978 as a result of reorganization of the erstwhile Fertilizer Corporation of India Limited. At the time of its formation, the company had only one operating unit at Trombay.
- NATIONAL FERTILIZERS LIMITED (NFL): Incorporated in 1974 for setting up two nitrogenous plants, at Bathinda (Punjab) and Panipat (Haryana). Consequent upon the reorganization of the FCI, the Nangal Unit of FCI was also transferred to NFL in 1978.
- PROJECTS AND DEVELOPMENT INDIA LIMITED (PDIL): PDIL and erstwhile Division of the Fertilizers, Corporation of India (FCIL) was registered as a separate company in 1978. The company has its registered office at Nodia, Uttar Pradesh.
- THE FERTILIZERS AND CHEMICALS TRAVANCORE LIMITED (FACT): Incorporated in 1943. In 1947 FACT started production of Ammonium Sulphate at Udyogamandal, near Cochin. In the year 1980, FACT became a PSU and towards the end of 1982, the Government of India became the major shareholder.
- MADRAS FERTILIZERS LIMITED (MFL): Incorporated in 1906 as a Ioint Venture between GOI and AMOCO India Incorporation of USA (AMOCO) with GOI holding 51% of the equity share. In 1985, AMOCO disinvested their shares, which were purchased by G01 and NIOC.
- BRAHMAPUTRA VALLEY FERTILIZER CORPORATION LIMITED (BVFCL): It has two operating units at Namrup Assam. Its corporate office is at Namrup.
- FCI-ARAVALI GYPSUM AND MINERAL INDIA LIMITED (FAGMIL): incorporated in 2003 after being hived off the Jodhpur Mining Organization (IMO) of Fertilizers Corporation of India Limited (FCIL).