The Department has taken various initiatives to expedite the process of patent applications and eliminate pendency that includes manpower augmentation from time to time, setting up of feedback mechanism and appropriate legislative amendments. These includes, modernization of the Intellectual property (IP) offices with steady switchover from manual to computerized system of processing of applications, improved management of intellectual property (IP) related information, creation of stronger public interface and revamping of the routine functioning of IP offices. Further, considering the COVID-19 pandemic, officers have been provided with VPN access to avoid any delay in examination process. Also, to facilitate early disposal of applications, hearing of contested cases is done through videoconferencing, thereby removing the requirement of visiting the office by the applicant.
Further, for patent office international patent classification tool, WIPO-IPCCAT has been implemented, which helps the examiners and controllers to categorize the patents accurately and consistently into their main and sub-group levels in IPC. An appropriate classification results in effective and efficient prior arts search. For trademarks, India has acceded to Treaties on International Classification (for trademarks and designs) including Nice Agreement, Vienna Agreement, Locarno Agreement, which helps to harmonise the classification systems for examination of trademark and design applications, in line with the classification systems followed globally. Apart from initial induction, regular trainings are given to the technical manpower of patent office at Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management (RGNIIPM), Nagpur and foreign IP Offices, to improve their skills required for speedy examination and grant/registration of IP applications
The Department regularly reviews the manpower strength of Patent Office with Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trademarks office. In addition to the existing manpower of 936 officers, 500 additional posts in the Patent Office have been created. Further, approval for recruitment of 200 contractual manpower to assist the Patent officers in expediting the examination of application has been given.
Patent Office has adopted centralized system of allocation of patent applications in which applications are allotted to officers irrespective of geographical location. All operations in the Patent Office have been digitized. Further, comprehensive e-filing system has been introduced which is available 24×7. Therefore, an applicant situated in any part of India can file his/her patent application without any requirement of visiting Patent Office.