Iraq Passes Law to Ban Alcohol

Iraq’s parliament has voted to ban the sale, import and production of alcohol.

Proponents of the ban argue the ban is justified by the constitution, which prohibits any law contradicting Islam.

Those violating the law will be fined between 10 million and 25 million dinars (roughly £7,000 to £17,500).

Alcohol is rarely offered in restaurants and hotels in Iraq, but consumption is relatively widespread, especially in Baghdad where scores of small shops selling alcoholic beverages can be found.

Article 2 of the constitution says it “guarantees the Islamic identity of the majority of the Iraqi people and guarantees the full religious rights of all individuals to freedom of religious belief and practice” such as Christians, Yazidis and Sabeans.

Opponents say it violates the same constitution which guarantees the traditions of religious minorities such as Christians and have vowed to appeal against the decision.