Measures Taken to Mainstream AYUSH

The National Policy on Indian Systems of Medicine & Homoeopathy – 2002, envisages integration of AYUSH with the Health Care Delivery System.

Mainstreaming of AYUSH is one of the strategies in National Health Mission (NHM) as well which seeks to provide accessible, affordable and quality health care in order to improve the existing health care delivery system.

Government of India has adopted a strategy of co-location of AYUSH facilities at Primary Health Centres (PHCs), Community Health Centres (CHCs) and District Hospitals (DHs), thus enabling choice to the patients for different systems of medicines under single window.

The engagement of AYUSH Doctors / paramedics and their training is supported by the Department of Health & Family Welfare, while the support for AYUSH infrastructure, equipment / furniture and medicines are provided by Ministry of AYUSH under shared responsibilities.

The Government has taken following steps for accessibility and affordability of AYUSH system:

Under Centrally Sponsored Scheme of National AYUSH Mission (NAM), the Government of India provides financial assistance to State/UT Governments for co-location of AYUSH facilities at Primary Health Centres (PHCs), Community Health Centres (CHCs) & District Hospitals (DHs), setting up of 50 bedded integrated AYUSH hospitals, upgradation of AYUSH Hospitals/Dispensaries, supply of free essential AYUSH medicines to AYUSH hospitals/dispensaries etc.

Further, National AYUSH Mission also provides financial assistance to States / UTs for cultivation of medicinal plants by adopting Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) so as to provide sustained supply of quality raw-materials at economical prices which in turn facilitate in making available affordable AYUSH Medicines to the public.