Under the Special Campaign 3.0, the Ministry of Labour and Employment has set targets to liquidate pendency in the MP’s Reference, References from State Governments, Inter-Ministerial References, Parliamentary Assurances, PMO references, Public grievances and Public grievances Appeals. Ministry is also set to review the existing rules and procedures so as to reduce the compliance burden and promoting ease of living for the citizens. Further, Ministry is aiming at overall cleanliness of its offices with special focus on space management and enhancing work experience in subordinate offices /attached offices/ autonomous bodies under it.
The Preparatory phase of the campaign (from 15th September, 2023 to 30th September, 2023) ended with Ministry setting targets for liquidating pendency, review of existing rules, disposal of pending matters and cleanliness of which following are crucial targets:
More than 5 lakhs physical files are to be reviewed.
More than 1500 sites across the nation to be cleaned creating more than 1.75 lakh sq. ft. of space.
More than 50 lakh rupees of revenue to be earned from the disposal of scrap and redundant materials.
This ambitious undertaking is expected to yield substantial results. During the preparatory phase senior officers were directed to channel their utmost efforts into achieving the predetermined targets during the campaign period. As part of the Swachhata Hi Seva Campaign, the Secretary of Labour and Employment administered the Swachhata pledge to all Ministry officials, underscoring the commitment to foster a clean and garbage-free India.
In Implementation phase that runs from 2nd October, 2023 to 31st October, Ministry is diligently tracking the progress towards achievement of the set targets and updating progress reports on daily basis.