Mission Innovation and Clean Energy Ministerial Meet

Mission Innovation (MI) is a global initiative designed to accelerate the pace of innovation and make clean energy widely affordable. Led by the public sector, it aims to mobilise both public and private sector efforts.

MI also provides a platform to support collaborations among members and facilitate engagement with business, industry and investors, so as to attract more private funding into innovative clean energy research.

MI was launched in November 2015 at the initiative of the United States, India and France. It now comprises twenty-two economies and the European Commission, representing the European Union, collectively accounting for more than 80 percent of the world’s total public financing of clean energy research and development (R&D).

Since its inception, MI has partnered with the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, which has made an unprecedented commitment to invest patient capital in early-stage technology development coming out of Mission Innovation countries.

China hosted the Second Mission Innovation Ministerial (MI-2) on 6–8 June 2017 at the China National Convention Center in Beijing.

This annual meeting of energy ministers and other high-level delegates from the Mission Innovation (MI) members—22 countries and the European Union—provided an opportunity to leverage high-level political will and private-sector leadership to drive ambitious, real-world clean energy policies and actions.

MI-2 was co-located with the eighth Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM8). While MI focuses on breakthrough R&D for the new technologies of tomorrow, the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) focuses on scaling the deployment of technologies and solutions that are available today.

Together, MI and CEM afford the world’s leading nations a robust platform for accelerating clean energy innovation and facilitating its uptake by a global market.

Goals of Mission Innovation:

MI’s goal is to accelerate the pace of clean energy innovation so as to achieve performance breakthroughs and cost reductions that can deliver widely affordable and reliable clean energy solutions across the world in the next two decades and beyond. By the end of 2020, MI will have helped deliver:

1. A substantial boost in public-sector investment in clean energy R&D at the national level of MI members;

2. Increased private sector engagement and investment in energy innovation, particularly in key Innovation Challenges;

3. Many new or strengthened voluntary cross-border networks and partnerships on energy innovation, greater engagement from innovators, and accelerated progress in addressing specific Innovation Challenges; and

4. Greater awareness amongst MI members and the wider clean energy community of the transformational potential of energy innovation, the progress being made, and the remaining critical clean energy innovation gaps and opportunities.

Outcomes of Meet:

Members welcomed Netherlands and Finland as the 22nd and 23rd Members of MI.

As part of the ongoing work of Mission Innovation, Members have initially identified seven of areas of interest for collaboration, namely: (1) smart grids; (2) off-grid access to electricity; (3) carbon capture, utilization and storage; (4) sustainable biofuels; (5) converting sunlight to fuels; (6) clean energy materials; and (7) affordable heating and cooling of buildings.

These Challenges present opportunities for MI Members to participate in efforts to enhance cutting edge research, development and demonstration of technologies that Members have identified as likely to benefit from increased international attention and with that, would make a significant impact in advancing clean energy innovation.

Canada announced the launch of an “Investor Scan” that identifies key players in the field of clean energy finance. Canada indicated that they are exploring the possibility of an awards program that would recognize innovative individuals who are accelerating the clean energy revolution.

Co-Chair Vice President introduced the MI Action Plan and called on the Chair of the MI Steering Committee, to outline its key features. These include encouraging public sector support for clean energy research and innovation; promoting private sector engagement and investment in key energy Innovation Challenges; boosting international collaboration via Innovation Challenges; and engaging MI Members with the broader clean energy community.

The Plan is voluntary and MI Members may opt to participate in any one or more parts of the plan.

The European Commission and Sweden, representing the Nordic Council of Ministers, announced that they will jointly host the third MI Ministerial Meeting (MI-3) in 2018. Canada announced that it will host the fourth MI Ministerial Meeting (MI-4) in 2019.