The Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh launched the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) Mobile Application for grievance redressal of the Central Armed Police Forces (CAPFs) personnel.
The MHA Mobile App has been developed in view of the fact that personnel of various Central Armed Police Forces are discharging their duties at their places of duty all over the Country. In the course of discharging their duties, they come across various personal/service related problems which can be addressed and re-addressed by their organizations.
This App is required when the jawans feel that their problems need attention of the Ministry of Home Affairs. This has given a ‘Digital Option’ to jawans to lodge their grievances and he is just one click away from jawans.
Rajnath Singh will review the dashboard of the App every month and check the status of redressal of grievances. The MHA will intervene, wherever required.
The Government has recently launched a web portal “Bharat ke veer” to enable the willing donors to contribute towards the family of a braveheart who sacrificed his/her life in line of duty.
The Union Home Minister also launched BSFMyApp on the occasion.
The BSFMyApp has been developed to cater to the requirement of BSF personnel regarding Grievance Redressal as well as various other service and welfare related issues of the Force personnel, deployed in the field.
It provides mechanism to address issues related to Pay, GPF, Leave, Deputation etc. The most significant feature of the Application is its Financial Literacy Module which not only educates BSF Personnel about investment of their savings but also facilitates investment in a safe and systematic manner.