Three renowned Practitioners, Academicians & Researchers of Ayurveda received the National Dhanwantari Ayurveda Awards.
Prof. Premwati Tiwari, Shri Parshuram Yashawant Vaidya Khadiwale and Vaidya P. R. Krishna Kumar.
Prof. Premvati Tewari is a well known Ayurveda academician, researcher and clinician having specialized in the field of ‘Prasuti Tantra, Stree Roga and Bal
Roga’ i.e Ayurvedic Obstetrics , Gynaecology and Pediatrics.
Prof Tewari is a legendary example of commitment, dedication and zeal towards patient care, Ayurvedic education and research.
Prasuti Tantra and Stree Rog in Ayurveda emerged as a specialty due to her untiring efforts. She worked as a proficient teacher at Faculty of Ayurveda, Banaras Hindu University with a tender heart but as a hard core disciplinarian at the same time. She has guided as many as 53 Post Graduate students and over 21 PhD scholars in her career.
Prof. Tewari is a great Ayurveda researcher having over 250 research papers published in various national and International Journals. She also has written many reference books which are now forming a core material in graduate and post graduate studies in Ayurveda.
In recognition of her services in the field of Ayurveda education, patient care and Community services, she has been conferred with ‘Rashtriya Dhanwantari Ayurveda Puraskar’.
Vaidya P.Y. Khadiwale is an example of practicing patriotism and nationalism with Ayurveda as its tool.
Vaidya Khadiwale is an excellent example of how to serve the people and nation through revival of ancient healing system of Ayurveda and through developing reliance upon local resources of disease management. For over past six decades he is working for the healthier upliftment of people of lower strata by offering them an affordable care from Ayurveda.
Vaidya Khadiwale is a prolific writer having authored more than 100 books referring to Ayurveda for common as well as for professional readership. He also used to write health columns in news papers for over four decades in order to create Ayurveda awareness among masses.
Vaidya Khadiwale was instrumental in creating a medicinal plant garden with over 350 plant species in Pune University campus. He also has contributed a lot in Ayurvedic formulary and has developed many newer Ayurvedic formulations on the basis of availability of local resources , affordability and effectiveness.
In recognition of his services in the field of Ayurveda education, Health and Community services, has been being awarded with ‘Rashtriya Dhanwantari Ayurveda Puraskar’.
Vaidya P.R. Krishna Kumar representing the famous Arya Vaidyan family of Kerala leads a zealous quest for excellence in Ayurveda services and products.
He emerged as a proficient leader in Ayurveda by becoming instrumental to initiation of number of Ayurveda organizations in country and abroad. Many of them have reached to the level of high excellence in their respective fields.
Vaidya Krishna Kumar was also instrumental in initiating Ayurveda awareness at WHO which made a great impact later on in global recognition of Ayurveda.
In the pursuit to excellence in Ayurveda education, Vaidya Kumar initiated a Gurukula Ayurveda College at Coimbatore, the first of its kind with a traditional method of learning in Ayurveda.
The institutions established and managed by him are the key examples of how excellence in education, research, patient care and products can be made a custom in Ayurveda.
Vaidya Krishna Kumar with his sincere work has successfully promoted Ayurveda all over the world. In recognition of his services in the field of Ayurveda education, Health and Community services, he has been awarded with ‘Rashtriya Dhanwantari Ayurveda Puraskar’.