The National e-Governance award was conferred upon Gurugram district administration at the 20th national conference on e-Governance.
The conference took place at Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh on January 9 and 10.
The G-Triangulation project of Gurugram district administration has been awarded Gold under category VI innovative use of GIS Technology in e-Governance.
No other State in the country has done so many experiments in ‘used records management’ as Haryana has done.
The revenue estate of Manesar was taken up as a pilot for implementation of the project. The revenue records of 14 out of 37 villages were fully processed.
The results have shown remarkable consistency in moving to a system for adoption of the method of conclusive titles.
The project aimed at providing complete spatial referencing of the land holdings across the district and further validating the land holding details in Manesar.
This is expected to reduce errors in land records that crept in during the period 1957 to 2016.