National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction Meet

The 2nd meeting of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR) will be held in New Delhi on the theme ‘Disaster Risk Reduction for Sustainable Development: Making India Resilient by 2030’.

The National Platform aims to bring together the whole range of India’s disaster risk community from Government, Parliamentarians, Local Self Governments, Media, International Organizations, NGOs, local community representatives, scientific and academic institutions and corporate businesses etc.

It will help in sharing of experiences, views and ideas, present findings of research and action and explore opportunities for mutual cooperation in the field of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).

The multi-stakeholder NPDRR was constituted by the Government in 2013. NPDRR is chaired by the Union Home Minister and Minister of State in-charge of Disaster Management in the Ministry of Home Affairs is the Vice Chairperson of NPDRR.

The other members of NPDRR are 15 Cabinet Ministers, Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog, Minister of each State Government/ UT dealing with the subject Disaster Management; representatives of Local Self-Governments and Parliament (4 members from Lok Sabha and 2 from Rajya Sabha), ex-officio members, Heads of institutions of national importance, persons representing industry, media representatives, civil society organizations and international representatives.

The main functions of the NPDRR are:

 To review the National Disaster Management Policy and progress made in the field of Disaster Management from time to time.

 To appreciate the extent and manner in which the Disaster Management Policy has been implemented by the Central and State Governments, and other concerned agencies, and to give appropriate advice in the matter.

 To advise on coordination between the Central and State Governments/UT Administrations, local self-governments and civil society organizations for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Apart from members of NPDRR, representatives from State Governments (Resident Commissioners, Relief Commissioners, SDMAs, select DDMAs, select local government representatives, heads of fire service and civil defence), representatives from Central Governments, select public sector organizations, institutions of national importance, private sector, financial institutions, professional experts, and NGOs are going to participate in the meeting.

The first meeting of NPDRR was held on May 13-14, 2013 in New Delhi on the theme ‘Mainstreaming DRR in Development: From Risk to Resilience’.