Mumbai, 21 September, 2022
The National Statistical Office (NSO) earlier National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) – the premier field survey office under the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India is going to launch 3rd Round of Annual Survey of “Unincorporated Sector Enterpises” from 1st October 2022 to 30th September 2023.
The objective of the survey is to collect information regarding Operational and Financial aspects from Unincorporated Sector Enterprises. The survey is significant because large number of Enterprises exists in this sector and the magnitude of employment it provides to unskilled/semi-skilled/skilled persons, besides its contribution to Gross Domestic Product of our country is substantial. This necessitates reliable and comprehensive data pertaining to unincorporated sector for planning and policy formulation.
Sharing the details of the survey, DDG, NSO, Ms Supriya Roy said that the survey will cover unincorporated non agriculture manufacturing, trade and service sector establishment. “The statistical indicators derived on the basis of the survey are required for planning and policy making. The results of the survey will help Government to compute important components of National Accounts. This is an all India survey”.
To train the field functionaries of the Maharashtra (West) Region (Mumbai, Thane, Raigad, Palghar) Regional office Mumbai has organised Regional Training Camp from 21st September 2022 to 23rd September 2022 at its Regional Office, C.G.O Complex, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai. The training camp is aimed at imparting training to its officials. It will also provide a platform to discuss the various intricacies regarding the upcoming survey.
The Regional Training Camp was inaugurated today by Smt. Supriya Roy, Deputy Director General, N.S.O (FOD) Mumbai, Shri. S.G.Deolikar Assistant Director, N.S.O (FOD), Mumbai and Shri. Santosh Boda Assistant Director, N.S.O (FOD), Nagpur are also attending the RTC.
About NSO
The National Statistical Office (NSO) earlier National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) has been in the service of the nation since 1950. It has been instrumental in developing a strong database on various Socio Economic parameters through its countrywide sample surveys, which have helped the Central as well as State Governments in development of planning and policy formulations. Various agencies in India and abroad are utilising the NSS data for estimation of poverty, construction of price indices and assessing impact of various programmes on pattern and level of household consumption, expenditure, employment-unemployment situation, condition of agricultural households, migration, utilisation of health and education services, domestic tourism etc. The data made available by NSO regarding unorganised manufacturing/services sector is widely used by planners and policy makers.
Source: NSO
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