North Korea Conducts 5th Nuclear Test

North Korea conducted a nuclear test, its fifth and the “most powerful” test so far.

North Korea conducted the nuclear test to mark the country’s 68th National Day on September 9.

It carried out a nuclear explosion also to test to check the capacity of a nuclear warhead.

An artificial quake of magnitude 5 was also detected at North Korea’s main Punggye-ri nuclear test site.

The five-magnitude tremor felt after the test put the yield of this test at about 10 kilotons.

It marked the fifth nuclear detonation by North Korea following the first in October 2006, the second in May 2009, the third in February 2013 and the fourth in January this year.

North Korea has also conducted a series of ballistic missile launches since its leader Kim Jong-un gave an order to test a nuclear warhead and ballistic rockets.