‘Pashu Sanjivni’ Programme of Government

Pashu Sanjivni component under National Mission on Bovine Productivity scheme was initiated by the Government in November 2016.

88 million milk producing animals out of 300 million cattle and buffaloes are being identified using polyurethane tags with 12 digit unique identification (UID) number.

Data of the identified animals is being uploaded on Information Network on Animal Health and Productivity (INAPH) data base.

As on date 85 lakh milk producing animals have been identified and their data has been uploaded on INAPH data base.

Following major activities are proposed to be covered under the Pashu Sanjeevni scheme: i) Animal identification and traceability using polyurethane tags with unique identification number (UID); ii) Upgrading Information Network on Animal Productivity and Health (INAPH) to National Data Base; iii) uploading data on national database on regular basis; iv) creation of dedicated helpline and establishment of MAITRIs for delivery of services at farmers’ doorstep.

The Pashu Sanjivni is crucial for control and spread of animal diseases, scientific management of animals, enhanced production and productivity, improvement in quality of livestock & livestock products, increase in trade of livestock and livestock products by meeting out sanitary and phtyosanitory issues.


(i) At present 85 million animals are in milk while records on breeding, productivity, treatment and vaccination are not properly maintained by State Animal Husbandry Departments as system for maintaining records on the above aspects is not yet evolved in the country.

(ii) Due to absence of records on animal identification and traceability it is not possible to separate healthy animals/animal products obtained from healthy animals and diseased animals/products obtained from diseased animals. This is Major cause of concern with regard to spread of diseases among animal population and spread of zoonotic diseases among human beings.

(iii) Most of the veterinary hospitals and dispensaries are stationary and veterinary services are not available at farmers’ doorstep.

(iv) Emergency facility in the form of dedicated helpline is not available to livestock owners.

(v) Country is facing difficulty in expanding trade of livestock and livestock products as we have not established animal identification and traceability to meet sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) requirements.

Solution: Launching of Animal Wellness Programme ‘ Pashu Sanjivani- with the components of a) Nakul Swasthya Patra (Health cards), b) Emergency Help Line and c) MAITRIs at Farmers doorstep.