“Peace in the Home” Programme by Commonwealth

Commonwealth of Nations has conducted a number of programmes, most recently on 8th March 2017, on woman’s day they launched ‘Peace in the Home’ Programme. This programme is specially designed to help tackle the “stubborn stain” that is domestic violence on the communities of the member states.

This problem may seem insignificant to many but it excessively impacts women and the Commonwealth aims to end domestic violence in its member countries with this programme that is going to continue through till 2018 when they hope the impact of the programme will reflect.

Key features of the programme are:

The issue of violence in elections and politics will be addressed and initiated by conducting a mentoring programme for women.

Detail of the initiatives that have or had been particularly successful at dealing with domestic violence will be shared and highlighted to help the countries.

The efforts of the Commonwealth to address domestic violence will be supported by building a coalition of businesses, governments, civil society, human right institutions and individual citizens.

This programme will include providing aid to the governments across the Commonwealth with toolkits that include a number of agencies like schools, doctors, governments, hospitals as well as law enforcement agencies to function together effectively.

This programme aims to eradicate the violence conducted against woman like physical abuse, child marriage etc. thus creating a safe and more equal society for them.


Commonwealth of Nations is an international intergovernmental organisation of countries, which were the former colonies and dependencies of the British Empire. In 1949 it was established by the London Declaration. Commonwealth currently holds 52 countries’ memberships and these countries are from Africa, America, the Pacific, Europe and Asia including India.

Equal and free voluntary co-operation is the basis of Commonwealth’s membership.

The Head of the Commonwealth is Queen Elizabeth II and she is also the monarch of Commonwealth realms, which are 16 members of the Commonwealth.