The egg availability is 63 eggs per person per year in India, while as per National Nutrition Institute this should be about 180 eggs per person.
India is among the top egg producer countries in the world and the production of eggs in the country is about 83 billion.
Government of India is promoting poultry farming through National Livestock Mission. Financial assistance is being given to the BPL families for poultry farming. Poultry farming is being promoted under the component of entrepreneurship development and employment generation.
One out of four children up to five years is suffering from malnutrition. Egg can help a lot in combating the malnutrition.
High nutrition contents are available in eggs as well as it is a very good source of protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, B12, Amino acid and Folate, Iron, Phosphorus & Selenium.
The Minister said that National Egg Coordination Committee, Compound Livestock Feed Manufacturers Association of India, Animal Health Companies, Poultry Federation of India and Poultry Association have played a vital role in this programme.