Porter Prize Winners Announced

Porter Prize is named after Michael E. Porter, an economist, researcher, author, advisor, speaker and teacher. Throughout his career at Harvard Business School, he has brought economic theory and strategy concepts to bear on many of the most challenging problems facing corporations, economies and societies, including market competition and company strategy, economic development, the environment and health care. His research has received numerous awards, and he is the most cited scholar today in economics and business.

The State-run Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers & Chemicals (GNFC) has received the prestigious Porter Prize for its Neem Project, which has become an initiative for women empowerment and value creation for the fertilisers’ player.

Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Gujarat and Indian Tobacco Company (ITC) Limited won the Porter Prize 2017.

ITC won the prize for Excellence in Corporate Governance and Integration and for its contribution in the category Creating Shared Value.

EDII cleared a three-stage comprehensive evaluation process and emerged as a winner in the category of education and training.